Tag: Sheraden

  • (Almost) A Sea of Black and Gold

    It is 7:oo am on a Thursday morning in early September and I step out of my classroom for hall duty.  For those who do not work in the hallowed halls of education it just means that my colleagues and I watch kids walk by on their way to 1st block.  I am very self conscious about my attire – a black polo shirt and Khaki’s.  It is a bit under-dressed for my Principal’s standards so I anxiously watch the end of the hallway hoping he chooses a different route for his morning greetings. 

    As the students file past I am distracted by their attire.  Several different versions of number 86 in white on a black field or black on a white field catch my eye.  I turn my head to answer a question of from colleague and spot the corner of the D in Delhomme on the shoulder of a student who is clearly a freshman.  Wow, I think to myself, that kid has some nerve wearing that to school today.  I silently hope he makes it home safely but not without the appropriate amount of good hearted teasing.  I continue ‘securing’ my little kingdom of the hall way for the next 10 minutes.  As the minutes tick by, I subconsciously check off the Steeler jerseys filing past me me:

    34 – Mendhenhall (rookie year take 2) √.     

     92 – Harrison √√.    

    7-Big Ben (only 1?)  √.  

    43 – (Hey, these kids have good taste!) – Polamalu √√√√√   

    10-Santonio Holmes – (does that kid have on gold tennis shoes?  I hope that he makes it across the  threshold of the classroom without having to dive) – √√√

    Then I see it: A black jersey running past me in a flash of speed hoping not to be sent to lockout.  I did not have my glasses on . . .  Is that an 88?  I thought they retired Lynn. . . maybe or the life of me I could not remember who was #88 on the Steelers now – (Hey!!!! Give me a break it was 7:00 am and I had been up for 2 hours getting my own fam appropriately dressed for Steeler game day.)   The white number 88 zooms past me and when he passes I see the name – Swann. . .  Of course, a throwback.  Both Swann and Holmes make it to their destinations unscathed.

    When the late bell rings, I turn to go into my classroom and look down and see the tri-colored hypocycloids on the black polo shirt I hijacked from my husband’s closet.  It is going to be a great day!

    Setting: September 3, 2009  – Suburban high school in Charlotte, North Carolina.

  • There's No Place Like Pittsburgh!

    Installment 1 – The decision is made.

    Correct me if I’m wrong here but as I remember it, all Judy Garland had to do to get back to Kansas was the following:

    1. look thoroughly annoyed from having wasted so much time and learned nothing new

    2. click heels of the appropriate, sparkly footwear three times

    3. repeat catchy mantra

    And then she woke up and everything was back to normal. Is it me? Does this stuff only work for natives of Kansas or orphans who inexplicably live with an Aunt and Uncle? Is it only for those who have new friends with missing vital organs or questionable character traits?

    What about a West End Girl who just wants to come back to her hometown of Pittsburgh?

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