Prom Redux – Friday, November 11, 2011
relieve your prom days – but this time you are allowed to drink – benefits the Pittsburgh Literacy Council -
Prom Redux – A benefit for Pgh Literacy CouncilTake that old Prom dress out for another spin, bust out your powder blue tuxedo and head down to Cattivo in Lawrenceville this eve.
“Only 3 DAYS (!!) left to get your discounted Prom Redux tickets! showclix.com/event/75832
“The final piece for the Pittsburgh Prom Redux has been acquired.
Handmade Arcade – Saturday, November 12
Get a head start on your holiday shopping -
What is Handmade Arcade? Check out this great video of the 2009 event
Handmade Arcade, December 2009
Pick up one of these great t-shirts designed by Nick Caruso
“Press for @HandmadeArcade! Artisans showcase custom crafts at Handmade Arcade – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: bit.ly/s3BUGt via @AddThis
“I’ll be volunteering at the Etsy & Steel Town Etsy table at Handmade Arcade tomorrow until noon! Local handmade… fb.me/DlDHfMRG
“Handmade Arcade: where true love begins.
Redd Up, Thread Up Clothing Swap – Saturday, November 12 & Sunday, November 13
trade in your old clothes for some new to you ones and support the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank -
“Don’t forget to stop by this weekend 🙂 reddupthreadup.com
“RT @Jenana37: Guys. Come to Redd Up Thread Up. And bring me your clothes. Kthx. reddupthreadup.com/
“RT @ThePGHA: Do you #Pittsburgh people know about this? reddupthreadup.com/
Benefit for Braddock – Thursday, Friday & Saturday
All of these concerts appear to be sold out but we are including this in the list as well because its another example of a great event for a good cause -
Benefit Braddock: Andrew Bird, Built to Spill, Hold Steady on JamBase“Benefit Braddock” will take place this November 10-12 in the first Carnegie public library located in Braddock, PA. All ticket sales fro…
News in Brief: Benefit Braddock Series, Saul Williams, Jennifer O’Connor | News | PitchforkBy Carrie Battan, November 9, 2011 4:16 p.m. CT — Levi’s hosts Benefit Braddock, a concert series to help rejuvenate the town of Braddoc…
“Levi’s Benefit Braddock Concert Series – Levi’s is throwing a concert series this weekend to help benefit… tmblr.co/Z6NXbyBo7ioK
“Who’s watchin? @Stickam first night of @Levis Benefit Braddock concert series continues w/ Andrew Bird live onstage now levi.com/benefitb
“RT @PopCityPgh Levi’s is hosting the Benefit Braddock Concert Series this weekend. more info fb.me/1fuaQjt0J
The Carnegie Library in Braddock is a) an amazing building with this beautiful music hall and b) the first carnegie library in the US.