Tag: Pittsburgh Signs Project

  • Pittsburgh Signs Project on BoingBoing & Book Giveaway

    Pittsburgh Signs Project on BoingBoing & Book Giveaway

    The Pittsburgh Signs project photos and book are featured on the BoingBoing today – “Pittsburgh Signs Project: appreciation of the glorious signage of Pittsburgh.”

    BoingBoing is a popular blog, that originally started as a zine in 1988, that covers interesting information from around the web.

    The Pittsburgh Signs project started as a website and was turned into a book was founded by Pittsburghers – Jennifer Baron, Greg Langel, Elizabeth Perry and Mark Stroup and contains photos submitted by many others.  I just went way back to the IheartPGH archives and actually I think the Pittsburgh Signs Project was one of our first 15 posts back in September of 2005 you can check out that post here.

    Here is a set of photos from Flickr tagged Pittsburgh Signs.

    Check out the website at pittsburghsigns.org

    The Pittsburgh Signs Project book is available for purchase from the Carnegie Mellon Bookstore here for $29.95. One of the comments on BoingBoing notes this book is listed on Amazon
    for $125.  I just checked the CMU Bookstore site and they have the book in stock for $29.95).

    Photographer: Shari Paglia, Spring 1999

    One of our favorite signs was the Atari Sign along Penn Avenue.  The Atari repair sign was located near what is now Salt of the Earth.  Thankfully the Pittsburgh Signs Project has that documented.

    Pittsburgh Signs Project Book Giveaway

    Because we think this book is awesome – we are going to giveaway a copy.  To enter just leave a comment with a link to your favorite sign from the Pittsburgh Signs website or Flickr or upload a photo of your favorite sign to the comments below.

    Next Wednesday, August 10, 2011. We will randomly select one entry to win a copy of the Pittsburgh Sign Project Book.  All comments must be posted by Midnight, Aug. 9, 2011 to enter.

  • Pittsburgh Signs Project Now Available on Amazon.com

    Pittsburgh Signs Project Now Available on Amazon.com

    If you are a regular reader you will know that we really like signs (and sometimes climb over guard rails to photograph them) and that we have been following the Pittsburgh Signs Project from its beginnings as a blog to a published book.

    Pittsburgh Signs Project Book

    The book –  Pittsburgh Signs Project: 250 Signs of Western Pennsylvania – is now available on Amazon.com.  I have a copy and I gave some copies of the book to friends for Christmas.  It is even easier to order a copy for your friends who don’t live in Pittsburgh.

    If you would prefer to shop local…

    Pittsburgh Signs Project: 250 Signs of Western Pennsylvania is now available for sale at Carnegie Mellon’s University Store in the shop or online, the Mattress Factory Museum (North Side) and Heinz History Center (Strip District) shops.

    The book is also for sale at the Carnegie Museum of Art Store (Oakland), Andy Warhol Museum (North Side) and Silver Eye Center for Photography (South Side).


  • Pittsburgh Signs Project

    Until last year, there was a building on Penn Ave in East Liberty that had a sign painted on the side about Atari repair. It was such a great sign and I was sad when someone painted over it. Lucky for me (and you) there are some other people in Pittsburgh looking at signs. Check out
    Pittsburgh Signs Project to see signs or submit pictures of your favorite signs.
    pittsburgh signs project logo

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