Tag: pair-networks

  • Eco Race Car Driver, Leilani Munter’s, Pittsburgh Connection

    Eco Race Car Driver, Leilani Munter’s, Pittsburgh Connection

    I know we tend to post about Pittsburgh events, but I hope that we can do more posting about businesses, organizations and people here in Pittsburgh too.  This is a cool update about a Pittsburgh company that has been quietly working to become a very green business.

    Earlier this year – you may have remembered that we moved IheartPGH website hosting to pair Networks.  First of all pair Networks is kind enough to support IheartPGH by donating website hosting (and in the interest of transparency I am working with them on another blogging project – sneak peek here).  We are also excited to use pair Networks for website hosting because they are, and have been, located in Pittsburgh for the past 15 years and pair Networks is one of the greenest website hosting companies around.

    So in an effort to continue their green work – pair Networks has just announced that they are partnering with Leilani Munter, aka Carbon Free Girl.  Munter has been named one of the top ten female drivers in the world by Sports Illustrated.  Every time  Leilani races, she adopts an acre of rain forest to offset her carbon footprint. Leilani holds a degree in biology from the University of California in San Diego.

    A little more about pair Networks:

    Here is what pair Networks says about being green:

    A 100-percent carbon neutral company, pair Networks (http://www.pair.com) makes environmental conservancy a central commitment, with workplace policies that encourage Earth-friendly commutes and many other sustainable practices.

    I can attest to the fact that pair Networks is serious about being green – Carbon neutral is just the beginning – everything about their office  is approached with a mindset of conservation – there are no disposable coffee cups or forks at the pair Networks headquarters.  pair Network is also an enthusiastic support of many Pittsburgh organizations like BikePGH, Gasp and Pittsburgh Filmmakers.

  • Links Worth a Look – September 3rd

    Here are some links/articles/blog posts that are worth a look:

    • Designer Days: NCJW, – Each year the Pittsburgh chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women holds a massive clothing sale of new and used clothing at the Expo Mart. I have gottned some great things here in the past. If you are a clothing shopper this is worth a stop. The 2008 sale is on October 18 and 19.
    • Flavorville Cafe – this is the BEST place for lunch in Pittsburgh. Mike fed me lunch almost daily for a year. Mike is awesome and this place is tasty and affordable. I can't believe I haven't blogged about them yet. I will have to make a visit there and write more about Flavorville.
    • pairIncubator – World-Class Web Technology Incubator – this looks really cool – the folks behind pair networks are looking for a few good businesses to incubate. deadline is Jane 2, 2009.

    Click here to see more links we like.