Tag: Millennial Train Project

  • Friday – The Train Stops in Pittsburgh – Happy Hour at East End Brewing

    Friday – The Train Stops in Pittsburgh – Happy Hour at East End Brewing

    As most of you know I’ve been on a cross country train trip with the Millennial Trains Project.  I am one of 24 passengers who are working on a project as the train has traveled across the country from San Francisco to Washington, DC.

    Toledo, OH Amtrak Station
    Toledo, OH Amtrak Station

    I’m writing this post from the train – we just passed through Toledo, Ohio.  Next stop – Pittsburgh!  The train pulls into the station around 5am.  I’ve already set my alarm, I want to see what the city looks like from a train.

    The Millennial Trains Project group will be in Pittsburgh all day and I hope you will get a chance to say hello and meet my fellow passengers.

    As we left Chicago today – I realized that this trip is coming close to an end in just 2 days.  But, I am excited to be stopping in Pittsburgh and have the chance to show the passengers on this train the steel city.  I hope you will help me welcome everyone to the ‘burgh on Friday.

    10am-4pm – Participant Projects at TechShop and around the city.

    MTP passengers, staff and mentors will be at TechShop, located in Bakery Square, all day (I’ll be there 10-11 and in and out in the afternoon).  Stop by and check out TechShop and say hello.

    6pm-7pm – MTP Happy Hour at East End Brewing

    Thanks to Scott at East End Brewing for hosting.  All are welcome to stop by and check out the brewery and meet my fellow passengers.  This is a short event because we have to get back on the train for some of the evening sessions.

    Facebook event link for the Happy Hour  – https://www.facebook.com/events/155412884660747/

  • All Aboard – 2 Weeks to Get Some Pittsburghers on the Millennials Train

    All Aboard – 2 Weeks to Get Some Pittsburghers on the Millennials Train

    mtp-logoIf you follow IheartPGH on Facebook and Twitter you may have noticed that I’ve been linking to the Millennial Trains Project.

    The Millennial Trains Project is a cross country train trip this August that will start in San Francisco and end in Washington, DC.  The train will stop in 10 cities over 10 days.  The Millennial Trains project was founded by Patrick Dowd (not the Pittsburgh city councilman Patrick Down) who helped to organize a similar project, Jagriti Yatra, when he was a Fulbright scholar in India.

    The inaugural journey of the Millennial Trains project will be stopping in Pittsburgh!

    The route of the inaugural Millennial Trains Project trip
    The route of the inaugural Millennial Trains Project trip

    The Millennial Trains project has put together a beautiful video that describes the trip which is worth two minutes of your time and can be watched here.  To get a seat on the train, passengers must create a project and use the Millennial Trains Project’s custom crowd-funding platform (kind of like Kickstarter or Indiegogo), CrowdHitch to raise $5000.

    I think we need to make sure that Pittsburgh is represented on this train!  I’ve created a project and I would love to see some other Pittsburgh folks create a project and get a seat on the train.

    Get on board

    If you are interested I would be happy to help you with your project and your application.  Please drop me an email lindsay – at -IheartPGH.com

    Check out my project – The United States of Pittsburgh

    The United States of Pittsburgh will explore what the Pittsburgh folk who left town are doing now and we’re going to build a big bad directory of Pittsburgh businesses across the US.  There are many more Pittsburgh places than those listed on Steeler Bar directories.

    I’ve just added some awesome perks – I am honored to have the support of some of my favorite Pittsburghers in supporting this project.

    Here are some of the “perks” I’ve put together for this project and more are on the way.  If you are a local business and would like to contribute to the perks please drop me an email lindsay-at-IheartPGH.com

    A Postcard from Pittsburgh – let someone know that Pittsburgh misses them.

    • $7 – I’ll send a Pittsburgh postcard to the person you choose 

    Pittsburgh Love – we’re offering a few of our favorite items, all will be printed with love by our friends at Commonwealth Press

    • $25 – The Heart of PA T-shirt One of our best selling t-shirts – the state of PA with a heart right in the most important location 

    Printing Party at Commonwealth Press

    • $100 – Come on down and print your own Pittsburgh gear with our friends at Commonwealth Press.  We’ll provide the t-shirts and some beer. Commonwealth Press will teach you about screen printing and you’ll screen print your own t-shirts. We’ll pick a date/time that works for everyone.

    Social Media Consulting – I’ve worked with both local and national business to help strategize and grow their online presence.  I’d love to help you with your project and I’m offering a super discount on my usual rate to folks who support my Millennial Trains Project.

    • $40 – 1 Hour of Social Media Consulting ($100 value)
    • $75 – 2 Hours of Social Media Consulting ($200 value)
    • $125 – 5 hours of Social Media Consulting ($500 value)
    • $200 – 10 hours of Social Media Consulting ($1000 value)