- Image via Wikipedia
- Saturday, July 25 @ 10 am
- Bellvue – Meet at the corner of Lincoln Avenue and N. Sprague Avenue
- About a 3 hour hike, then a stop for something to eat
- Saturday, July 25, 7pm -Walnut St., Shadyside
- Gin Blossoms will perform
- Sunday, July 26, 2009 @ North Shore Riverfront Park
- Swim (or paddle), Bike and Run
- Benefits Friends of the Riverfront
- Starts Sunday, July 26, 2009 and runs through September
- Roasted Corn, hot dogs and more
- Activites for the whole family
- Sunday Night, 9pm
- Arsenal’s Tribute to The Big Lebowski. Lebowski tunes and bowling prize giveaways!
- Every Sunday is a different theme with DJ Swank Cat
- Tara Hunt wrote the Whuffie Factor and is on a cross country tour in an RV with a karaoke machine
- The tour stops in Pittbsurgh on Saturday, July 25 @ the Pittsburgh Tech Council
- July 24-26, 2009 @ Hartwood Acers
- Benefits Pittsburgh Foodbank
Related articles by Zemanta
- Radio Round Up – July 24, 2009 (iheartpgh.com)