Tag: learn

  • Wed. May 26 – Knitting for Absolute Beginnger (Free class and dinner)

    A little dexterity is helpful in working with ...
    Image via Wikipedia

    Always wanted to learn to knit? Here is your chance to get a free lesson (and some free dinner) and to check out the Fe gallery in Lawrenceville.

    CommuniTeach is a website that is co-founded by a Pittsburgher one of his friends in Chicago.  The idea is to create a website where people can share their skills and learn new things.  Communiteach offers Learn-its on all kinds of things from guitar lessons, yoga, cooking, knitting and more.

    This Wednesday, CommuniTeach will host scarf knitting for absolute beginners – the class is free and includes supplies and dinner.  This is the last chance to see the current exhibition, “Scissors,” which closes right after the knitting.

    Scarf knitting for absolute beginners
    Wednesday, May 26, 2010
    Fe Gallery in Lawrenceville
    Sign up online here – http://communiteach.com/learnit.php?glid=20
