Tag: La Prima

  • Polish Hill, Photos and a Stop by the Police

    Polish Hill

    Well, this started as a simple “check out this picture” blog post that took a funny turn when it led to a run in with the police. I had just stopped at La Prima in the strip District for a cup of coffee (I think this is the best in town). When I saw this article in the Post-Gazette about the Polish Deli that had reopened in Polish Hill. So I decided to take the scenic route through Polish Hill to my next destination. Since there was no traffic behind me I took some pictures from my car window as I was driving down Brereton Street (and got some strange looks from some of the neighbors). On my way out of Polish Hill I caught a glimpse of this sign, I slowed down, checked to see if there were any cars behind me and reversed the car to see if that signs really said “betcha’ dupa.”

    Polish Hill Under Bloomfield Bridge

    The sign was on an agle and my camera phone isn’t that great so I pulled the car to the side of the road and walked over to get a better picture. There is also some cool sculptures over there but I couldn’t get a closer look because I would have risked falling down the hillside.


    So I climb back over the guardrail and get back in my car and I start writing the blog post on my blackberry. Within a few minutes – police car behind me. I had to explain to the officer that I was just sitting there writing an email about the picture of the sign. He then asked what does the sign say and I had to tell the officer “You betcha’ dupa you are leavin’ Polish Hill.” At this point I think he thought I had lost my mind so he asked to see the picture after I showed it to him and told him I was posting it on a blog (he gave me another look that said – “really? who stops their car under a bridge to write emails about signs”) and he let me go. So I hope you can enjoy this picture and avoid a run in with the police.

  • Learn Coffee at The Grind

    I have this event marked on my calendar but I was grabbing some lunch yesterday at the Union Project and the flyer for this event really caught my eye. The printed version of this flyer is really beautiful as the printing is in gold metallic. Anyhow here is my list of reasons why you should attend this event, in no particular order:

    • learn about coffee from some of the best people in coffee in Pittsburgh – I really don’t know what the difference between a cappuccino and a latte is (yes – I have been pretending I know, but I really don’t) and I think it is about time I find out.
    • The people from Aldo Coffee are latte art experts and they have a great blog
    • La Prima Expresso is the most amazing coffee I have ever tasted – I wasn’t a coffee drinker until I discovered La Prima and I usually drive to the strip district on the weekends just to visit La Prima.
    • All proceeds benefit the Union Project
    • Snacks! I really like snacks
    • Who knew there was a Pittsburgh Area Coffee Association – PACA – they also have a website that links to more coffee place in Pittsburgh