Tag: incubator

  • 48 Hours Left to Apply to Thrill Mill StartUp Incubator

    48 Hours Left to Apply to Thrill Mill StartUp Incubator


    Have you always wanted to start a business or do you have an idea that you think might make a great business, but you aren’t sure where to start?  Then you should apply to Thrill Mill for the 2015 class.  Thrill Mill is an incubator located on Broad St. in East Liberty.  They are now accepting applications for their third class of companies.

    I was part of the first Thrill Mill class and the Thrill Mill incubator has only improved.  Even though I am still not as far as I would like to be with my business, it was a great experience to learn about the startup ecosystem in Pittsburgh. The most valuable part of the Thrill Mill program for me was getting to know some of the other entrepreneurs, many who have become close friends.  If you are interested in starting a business, or think you want to start a business – I can’t say enough about how important it is to be a part of a “tribe” of like minded people.  Also, it was through Thrill Mill that I was introduced to C-leveled, a business consulting firm in Bloomfield, where I currently work helping C-leveled’s clients with social media. (If you need help with social media, marketing or a website for your business – I’d be happy to buy you a cup of coffee and chat – drop me an email lpatross-at-c-leveled.com).

    Up to 20 startups will be accepted for a full year of first-class office space, funding, a depth of hands-on programming, mentorship, investors, and growth-focused partnerships.

    The application is simple – just two questions – describe your idea and introduce your team.  Click here to apply.  Applications must be submitted by October 29, 2014 at 11:59pm.

    You can read more about the Thrill Mill application process and some of the current companies here.  Babs Carryer @BabsCarryer who writes the blog The New Venturist is also a teacher/mentor at Thrill Mill wrote a post about her work at Thrill Mill which you can read here.

    Thrill Mill Companies You Should Know About

    Here are some of the companies that have been a part of the Thrill Mill incubator.  Keep an eye out for these businesses around town.

  • Links Worth a Look – September 3rd

    Here are some links/articles/blog posts that are worth a look:

    • Designer Days: NCJW, – Each year the Pittsburgh chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women holds a massive clothing sale of new and used clothing at the Expo Mart. I have gottned some great things here in the past. If you are a clothing shopper this is worth a stop. The 2008 sale is on October 18 and 19.
    • Flavorville Cafe – this is the BEST place for lunch in Pittsburgh. Mike fed me lunch almost daily for a year. Mike is awesome and this place is tasty and affordable. I can't believe I haven't blogged about them yet. I will have to make a visit there and write more about Flavorville.
    • pairIncubator – World-Class Web Technology Incubator – this looks really cool – the folks behind pair networks are looking for a few good businesses to incubate. deadline is Jane 2, 2009.

    Click here to see more links we like.