Tag: Iceland

  • Even More Day Light – From Pittsburgh to Reykjavik

    Faces of Health Reform in Pennsylvania: Ben He...
    Image by Barack Obama via Flickr

    I have know Ben for a few years now and I think we have shared some of his videos here on the blog.  I just received an email update from him about his summer residency in Iceland.  I thought it might be interesting to show off Ben and some other Pittsburghers who are visiting interesting places this summer.  If you know of a Pittsburgher who is traveling or living somewhere interesting for the summer – please share a link to their blog.  Maybe we can make this a regular series.

    Ben Hernstrom is from Pittsburgh.  He runs a video production company called Ambulantic which has put together lots of interesting videos about people and events here in Pittsburgh – you can check out all some of his videos here – http://www.youtube.com/ambulantic. (more…)