I’ve got two great projects to share with you, both are related to sharing stories about rustbelt cities including Pittsburgh.
If you have been a regular reader of IheartPGH over the years, you have probably read a few of our posts about GLUE. GLUE stands for Great Lakes Urban Exchange – a project that was started by a Pittsburgher and a Detroiter (is there a Detroit equivalent to the word Pittsburgher?). I’ve been fortunate to attend many of the GLUE conferences, the most recent conference was held in September 2011 here in Pittsburgh. Through GLUE I have had the chance to meet my blogging counterparts from other rust belt cities. Some of my fellow GLUE friends have been discussing another GLUE conference for this fall. We’ve also launched the GLUE Tumblr blog – which is open for submission. If you have a story, link, photos or video that you would like to share with fellow city lovers please submit here – http://gluespace.tumblr.com/submit
Speaking of story sharing. Meet Rustbelt Almanac – a new magazinge that will be launching very soon with a first issue about Pittsburgh. Congrats to the Rustbelt Almanac team on not only meeting but beating their fundraising goal. Check out the video below. (There is one more day to contribute – you can still donate to the Rustbelt Almanac kickstarter campaign here.)
Related articles
- Rustbelt Almanac Kickstarter (bloglocal.net)
- Rust Belt Market seeks funding to expand (wxyz.com)
- Rust Belt turns to ‘Tech Belt’ (wnd.com)
- Detroit Leads the Way on Place-Centered Revitalization (sustainablecitiescollective.com)