Tag: father’s day

  • Father’s Day in Pittsburgh

    Father’s Day in Pittsburgh

    Father’s Day is a tricky nut to crack. What do you get dear old dad? What do you do with an entire day dedicated to him? There can be an overwhelming pressure when it comes to the special day . Or you can just give him a #1 DAD mug and hope for the best. If you’re looking to be the best son or daughter ever, check out these events happening in Pittsburgh for Father’s Day.

    Man Up for Prostate Cancer 5/10k Walk/Run

    ManUpLogo1711Spend the day walking (or running) with your dad to raise money for Prostate Cancer research. The Obediah Cole Foundation is hosting its 11th annual 5/10k Walk/Run on Sunday, June 16th. Races start at 8a.m. at Riverfront Park and the course follows the North Shore for a great view of the city and the rivers. Spend the morning getting fit with your dad, and raising money for a good cause. Register here.

    Father’s Day Celebration at Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium

    What could be better than spending the day at the zoo with your dad? Spend Father’s Day with your dad at the zoo FOR FREE. Dads get free admission when they bring their child to the zoo on Sunday, June 16th. I’m not sure how they are defining child, and if they’ll let a 22 year-old slide as a kid, but my fingers are crossed. Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG aquarium opens at 9:30a.m. on Sunday.

    Father’s Day Brunch and Dinner Specials

    If you’re anything like my Dad and me, then you like to commemorate notable holidays by eating large meals. Open Table has made your search for the perfect brunch or dinner spot a little easier by compiling a list of holiday specials. Search for reservations times and more on the site.

    First pitch, Mets vs Pirates, 7.20.05
    First pitch, Mets vs Pirates, 7.20.05 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    Kids and Dads’ Day at PNC Park

    Take your sporty dad to PNC Park Sunday for an afternoon game against the Dodgers. Kids and dads get the special treatment with free baseball caps at the doors. Children are also welcomed to run the bases after the game. Dads–if you behave maybe you can run the bases after the game too.

    Plant a Tree for Dad with the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy

    Help the environment and get a gift for your dad by planting a tree in Pittsburgh. With a donation, the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy will plant a tree in the Park of your choice. They’ll also send a card to your dad for proof.

    Breakfast and a Movie at the Hollywood Theater in Dormont

    Does your dad like breakfast? Old westerns? Both? Enjoy brunch and western classic High Noon at the Hollywood Theater in Dormont Sunday June 16th. Brunch starts at 11a.m., and the movie begins at 11:30a.m.

    Make Your Own Audio Card for Father’s Day

    Join the Saturday Light Brigade through Father’s Day to make your own unique audio card. From 1-4p.m. daily, the Saturday Light Brigade can help you create a one of a kind card to give to your dad. You can find the Saturday Light Brigade in the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh in the Northside. You can find more information on the event here.

    Gateway Clipper Fleet Celebrates Father’s Day

    Spend some time with dad on the water this Sunday with the Gateway Clipper Fleet’s Father’s Day brunch or lunch (or both if your dad is really hungry). The brunch cruise sets sail at 10a.m., and the lunch cruise at 2:30p.m. Bring your life vest and an empty stomach, this buffet is all you can eat.


    There’s our round up of a few events happening Sunday. What are your Father’s Day plans this year? Leave us a comment below!

  • Music, Mattress Factory, Mini Golf – Radio Round Up for June 17

    Music, Mattress Factory, Mini Golf – Radio Round Up for June 17

    This is the view from my kayak on the river. T...
    Image via Wikipedia

    Here is a run down of our weekend top picks that we shared on WDVE this morning – another awesome weekend in Pittsburgh!

    Happy Hour Paddle

    • skip the traffic – join Venture Outdoors for an hour long kayak on the rivers
    • Friday, June 17, 2011 5:45-7pm ($20/$15 if you are a Venture Outdoors member)
    • Join the group for drinks and snacks after the paddle

    For your listening pleasure – Concerts this weekend

    • Fri – Hometown Music Fest at Southpark Ampitheater (Lovebettie, Lohio, Meeting of Important People, and City Dwelling Nature Seekers)
    • Fri – Devo at State AE
    • Sat – Rusted Root Benefit Show at Mr. Smalls
    • Sun – Boyz II Men with the Pittsburgh Symphony

    Harmony Community Day (forgot to mention this one today – but definitely worth the drive north!)

    • Saturday, June 18 – 11am-6pm
    • Visit the Harmony Musueum for just $1
    • Hot Dog Eating Contest – 3pm

    Garden Parties at the Mattress Factory

    • Friday – Fancy Fundraiser
    • Sunday – FREE community Party

    Mini Golf opens at Schenley Park

    • new mini golf golf course opens at the Schenley Park Skating Rink
    • open afternoons and weekend through the summer

    Father’s Day Brunch at Hofbrauhaus – Benefits Bike Pittsburgh

    • Celebrate with Dad this Sunday at Hofbrauhaus and a percentage of your check will benefit Bike Pittsburgh.
    • Sunday, June 19 11am-2pm
    • Great day to take a bike ride – bring your bike or rentals will be available