Tag: dinner

  • Sign Up to GrubWithUs on Thursday!

    Sign Up to GrubWithUs on Thursday!

    Earlier this year we were happy to host the first ever GrubWithUs dinner in Pittsburgh – we had a great dinner and met some great Pittsburghers – including Debbie Hardin who had just moved to Pittbsburgh.

    GrubWithUs is a website that plans family style dinners – you sign up online, pay a flat fee for food and gratuity, they pick the restaurant, you show up to eat a meal and meet some new folks.

    Debbie and I have decided it is time for another GrubWithUs dinner.  If you are looking for some dinner conversation or to meet some new people – sign up to dine with me and Debbie and the other Grubbers on Thursday, August 23, 2012. The location will be revealed after the minimum number of people have signed up.

    GrubWithUs Pittsburgh – End of Summer Feast
    Thursday, August 23, 2012
    Location will be revealed soon
    $32 per person includes food, tax, and gratuity
    Use this link to sign up and get $5 towards your first GrubWithUs meal



  • Eat Spaghetti and Support the Lawrenceville Dog Park – Friday March 2

    Eat Spaghetti and Support the Lawrenceville Dog Park – Friday March 2

    Lawrenceville has long had a tradition of spaghetti dinners.  A group called the Boys of Lawrenceville started holding these dinners back in 2004 as a way to bring the community together.  The Post-Gazette has an article about the 2007 Spaghetti dinner here which offers a little bit more into the history of the group.

    The Lawrenceville Spaghetti dinner is back for 2012 to raise funds to support the Bernard Dog Run, an off leash do g park to be constructed in Lawrenceville which is named after one of the founders of the Boys of Lawrenceville.

    You can learn about the Bernard Dog Run and read the proposal here.  (I want to take a quick moment to point out that they have done an AMAZING job with this website – simple and easy to find the most important information you are looking for – if you are looking to set up a website for a community event – use this one as an example).

    On Friday, March 2, 2012 – you can support the Bernard Dog Run by eatting some spaghetti – vegetarian sauce (meatballs optional), as well as fresh bread, salad, dessert, beer, and wine!

    The 2012 spaghetti dinner will be held at the Teamster Temple4701 Butler Street, from 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., and the evening will include entertainment, raffles and Italian music. Proceeds from the event will also benefit local nonprofit animal resource center, Animal Friends.

    Advanced tickets are available at Eclipse LoungeEspresso a ManoGallery on 43rd StreetLawrenceville United and online for $11 per person. Tickets bought at the door will be $13 per person, and children under the age of 10 eat free.

    Lawrenceville Spaghetti Dinner to Benefit Bernard Dog Run
    Friday, March 2, 2012
    Teamsters Temple 4701 Butler Street
    Tickets available online here.



  • Good Grubbing With You – Following Up on the First GrubWithUs Dinner

    Good Grubbing With You – Following Up on the First GrubWithUs Dinner

    A few weeks ago we posted about the website GrubWithUs and the first Pittsburgh GrubWithUs meal – see our original post here. The event was a great success. Check out some of the feedback and learn about upcoming meals.