Tag: Coworking

  • Get a Sneak Peek of the New TechShop Pittsburgh on Saturday

    Get a Sneak Peek of the New TechShop Pittsburgh on Saturday

    Next month – the newest location of TechShop will open right here in Pittsburgh.  This is a big deal….


    • 1. because TechShop is pretty cool place – I’ll get to that in a minute
    • 2. The fact that TechShop choose Pittsburgh for their next location speaks to the kinds of things that are happening with innovation, entrepreneurship, design and development in Pittsburgh.

    I was just asking some of my coworkers if their kids were excited for Valentine’s day.  In grade school I loved any holiday (it meant that I would get to eat candy) and woodshop day.  I was lucky enough to attend a school that had a pretty nice woodshop and someone thought it was a good idea to teach a bunch of kids how to use band saws, lathes and drill presses.  And I loved it – there is something about making things.

    So what is TechShop – its kind of like a coworking space meets a workshop.  Think a giant woodshop, add in some more cool stuff like lazer cutters, 3d printers and even more tools that are super cool and you probably wouldn’t buy for your house.  TechShop has all of this stuff and more – rather than buying these things (if you could afford them) and keeping them in your garage (if you have one) – you can join TechShop and as a member you get access to the workshop and you can take classes.

    Here is some more information about TechShop from their website:

    TechShop is a playground for creativity. Part fabrication and prototyping studio, parthackerspace and part learning center, TechShop provides access to over $1 million worth of professional equipment and software. We offer comprehensive instruction and expert staff to ensure you have a safe, meaningful and rewarding experience. Most importantly, at TechShop you can explore the world of making in a collaborative and creative environment.

    Why TechShop is Good News for Pittsburgh

    As I mentioned above – TechShop setting up shop in Pittsburgh highlights and adds to some of the great stuff already happening around town.  If you are a regular reader of IheartPGH or happen to catch me waxing poetic about what Pittsburgh needs (or doesn’t need) – it usually has something to do with…

    • crafting
    • hacker spaces
    • making cool things – (did you miss this post about the MakerFaire and the Easy Cheese Printer)
    • computer programming and development
    • coworking spaces
    • AND the need for more public spaces (yes – we need way more than just a few Panera conference rooms)

    Now take a look at the floor plan for TechShop Pittsburgh

    This is more than a workshop – it is a place to make things, learn things, collaborate with people and have meetings.

    If you would like to check out the space they are hosting a pizza preview party this weekend – all are welcome to attend.

    TechShop Pittsburgh Preview Party
    Saturday, February 16, 2013
    TechShop – Bakery Square
    Facebook Event Link