Tag: bradocc

  • i heart dock

    An old furniture store in Braddock is the new site of a collaborative public art project between Braddock, The STUDIO for Creative Inquiry and The Carnegie Mellon School of Design.

    This building will once again cast light on Braddock Avenue. The five large glass-block windows which run up the eastern corner will have alternating light projections of contour line images of landmarks in Braddock transitioning to large projected letters. The word spelled out in the four top windows will change between DOCK and DOCC. The name Braddock is often spelled -Braddocc- by younger generations there.

    Things are happening in Braddock, keep an eye out for more interesting projects in Braddock. It is exciting to see that people in the area are seeing great potential in the ruins of a town that has gained a reputation for being a wasteland. For more information on Braddock and the opportunities for creative development there check out the Mayor’s website – http://www.15104.cc/

    This is a picture of the project during the light up night celebration. It was a happy coincedence that one of the other spectators is a fellow Pittsburgh lover.

    I heart Braddock

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