Each November writers around the world participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) where participants try to write a novel in a month. Not to be out done, the bloggers have jumped on the bandwagon with NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). The folks at BlogHer organize NaBloPoMo each month and provide a list of blogging prompts, participating bloggers and even some contests. Over 2000 bloggers have signed up to participate in November 2013.
One of my fellow Pittsburgh bloggers posted about NaBloPoMo last week in the Pittsburgh Bloggers Facebook Group (yep – we’ve got an awesome Facebook group that is used for sharing links, answering questions and scheming up good things for Pittsburgh – if you are a blogger or would like to start blogging, you should join the group here.)
I’ve participated in previous NaBloPoMo’s before and I like the challenge, plus I’m eager to get back to writing blog posts for both IheartPGH and my other blogging project BlogLocal. If you haven’t checked out BlogLocal – I’m working on building a community of local bloggers across the country. Please take a look at the BlogLocal blog here, like BlogLocal on Facebook and follow @BlogLocally on Twitter.
I thought it would be interesting to see what the Pittsburgh bloggers who are participating in NaBloPoMo November are writing about. I’ve put together a Tumblr blog for Pittsburgh bloggers to share their NaBloPoMo posts for the month – http://nablopomopgh.tumblr.com.
There are a bunch of great Pittsburgh blogs who have stepped up to the NaBloPoMo challenge – you can check out the list here. And follow @NaBloPoMoPGH on twitter for updates.
Are you a Pittsburgh blogger who is blogging all month long? Leave a comment below and we’ll add you to the list!