The answer is probably not – because it is a pretty rare type of apple. But it is apple time here in western PA and you can get your fill of all kinds of apples at the 5th Annual Apple Fest.
Help put Pittsburgh on the mao as the Apple Pie Baking capital of the world! Complete with an apple pie competition – stop by the union project to pick up some apples – including the Black Amish Apple – apple pies, pork sandwiches and more tasty fall treats.
The Black Amish Apple is a very rare – heirloom apple (so rare I can’t find anything about it on wikipedia!) Slowfood Pittsburgh is honoring the Black Amish Apple at the Apple fest on Saturday. And the Black Amish Apple has been identified by a national initive – Renewing America’s Food Traditions – which is working to conserve and bring back heirloom apples. You can read more about the Black Amish Apple in the Post-Gazette here. And the Pittsburgh City Paper has more on apples here. (more…)