- Image via Wikipedia
Friends of Dormont Pool are back with another fun event to raise funds for one of the biggest swimming pools in town.
Support Dormont Pool at Cain’s Saloon
Friday, January 29, 2010 9-11pm
Cain’s Saloon, 3239 West Liberty Avenue, Dormont, PA
Guest Bartender – WDVE‘s Sean McDowell
RSVP on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=257289230799
A portion of the profits will benefit Friends of Dormont Pool, which is dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of the historic Dormont Pool. Upcoming repair and upgrade projects planned for the historic amenity include pool resurfacing and installing a new sound system for announcements, emergencies, special events and a little beach music too.
Read more about the event in the Post-Gazette.
The Dormont Pool has a storied past. The state’s oldest municipal pool, the Dormont Pool has survived the Great Depression, World War II, and has opened every season without fail. It was declared a Historic Landmark in 2002.
The 60,000-square-foot pool dates back to 1920, when Andrew Philp used rocks to dam a creek and construct a community wading pool. In 1922, the Borough spent $6,851 to create a larger dam for a swimming area and ice skating rink. The pool was designed to give people the feeling of being in the tropics. In 1923, the site was transformed into a concrete pool. Fine sand was added along the pool’s edges to make it resemble a beach. On July 4, 1929, the 1.85-acre Dormont Pool and new bathhouse were dedicated. The three-floor bathhouse houses the pool’s filtration system, men’s and women’s dressing rooms, and a community space.
While minor changes have been made over the years, the look and feel of Dormont Pool has remained. One of Pennsylvania’s largest public pools, the amenity is enjoyed not only by Dormont residents, but also by surrounding communities and scores of people visiting the area. It is one reason that many people choose to live in the Borough.

4 responses to “Support Your Favorite Swimming Hole – FUNdraiser for Dormont Pool”
[…] Image by Flatbush Gardener via Flickr Fundraiser for Dormont Pool […]
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Support Your Favorite Swimming Hole – FUNdraiser for Dormont Pool