For this week’s Steel of the Week, we are featuring one of the perks from the Knit the Bridge Indiegogo campaign! “Bridges of Pittsburgh” by Bob Regan with photos by Tim Fabian is available when you make a donate through their campaign site. This paperbound book includes photos from the many bridges in our city, including the Warhol that Knit the Bridge will be yarn bombing! Through vintage and modern photographs and descriptions, this book highlights some of the 446 bridges in Pittsburgh. Another interesting aspect of the book is that it contains ten self-guided tours for walkers, cyclists, drivers, and boaters. You can earn this perk with a $50 donation to the Indiegogo campaign.
Interested in learning more about this project?
“Knit the Bridge is a grassroots, community-led arts project that brings the many diverse communities of Pittsburgh and Southwestern Pennsylvania together to create a large-scale, aesthetically stunning, fiberarts installation on the Andy Warhol/7th Street Bridge. The installation will be on view from August 12th until September 6th, 2013.”
Visit their site for me and to see how you can get involved!
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