Steel City Biofuels Hosts Green Drinks

I have blogged about Green Drinks here at IheartPGH and I have attended some of these events in the past. Green Drinks is an international happy hour where anyone who wants to talk about all things green can meet up with other green thinkers. There are Green Drinks gatherings in cities all over the world. The Pittsburgh Green Drinks usually meets up at Bossa Nova on the 3rd Friday of every month. While I like Bossa Nova – it is really not the best place to have a meet up like Green Drinks – it gets a little too loud and it is hard to have a real conversation in a place like Bossa Nova on a friday evening.

This month – Steel City Biofuels will be hosting Green Drinks at their new offices which are located in Point Breeze (they are in the same building as Construction Junction). I was lucky enough to be invited there for lunch earlier this summer. Their new offices are great and this will be a great chance to learn about Steel City Biofuels and check out a Green Drinks in a not-so-loud location. Beer will be provided by the local brewing establishment and Pittsburgh lover East End Brewing.

Green Drinks @ Steel City Biofuels Offices (In Construction Junction)
Friday, August 15, 2008 – 5pm-9pm

More about Steel City Biofuels:

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One response to “Steel City Biofuels Hosts Green Drinks”

  1. […] Image via Wikipedia Green Drinks at Steel City Biofuels […]