#snOMGpgh – What's Open, Closed or Canceled

Abominable Snow Dawg
Image by Christmas w/a K via Flickr

While the news stations are reporting on school and libraries – we thought it might be good to keep a running list here and in the comments of other events that are canceled and places that are closed. It is recommended that you DO NOT DRIVE – roads are very dangerous and the snow has brought down many power lines.

But for those who live in walkable neighborhoods – please share what businesses are open near you.

Here is what we found from twitter and facebook updates.  We are watching the twitter hash tag #snOMGpgh.  Check out some of the photos that have been posted to twitter – http://twitcaps.com/search?q=snomgpgh





21 responses to “#snOMGpgh – What's Open, Closed or Canceled”

  1. Kate Avatar

    Whole Foods is closed for the day.

  2. IheartPGH Avatar

    From Scott @eastendbrewing – Hey snowed-in GOOD BEER Fans,Just a quick word here that we're not going to be open for GrowlerHours today at the brewery. We don't expect our street to be clearenough to use any time soon. Sorry if this puts a wrinkle in yourSuperbowl Weekend plans!We'll resume our regular hours on Tuesday, and hopefully we'll all bedug out by then.Cheers,Scott

  3. suzi w. Avatar
    suzi w.

    East Liberty Farmer's Market (usually Saturday morning) will be open tomorrow morning so produce/meat doesn't spoil.The market is located at 344 North Sheridan Ave., adjacent to the Home Depot parking lot.

  4. IheartPGH Avatar

    X Shadyside is open until 3pm today

  5. Will Avatar

    The Casino and Canines at the PAPA is cancelled today. I saw it on their website. It'll be rescheduled at a later date.

  6. Kate Avatar

    Whole Foods is closed for the day.

  7. IheartPGH Avatar

    From Scott @eastendbrewing

    Hey snowed-in GOOD BEER Fans,
    Just a quick word here that we’re not going to be open for Growler
    Hours today at the brewery. We don’t expect our street to be clear
    enough to use any time soon. Sorry if this puts a wrinkle in your
    Superbowl Weekend plans!

    We’ll resume our regular hours on Tuesday, and hopefully we’ll all be
    dug out by then.


  8. IheartPGH Avatar

    X Shadyside is open until 3pm today

  9. ErinK Avatar

    In Regent Square, D's and Legume and Map Room are open. I didn't get any farther down the street than that!

  10. IheartPGH Avatar

    thanks for the update! all great places – you don't need to go farther than that block. Wishing I was in your neighborhood this eve.

  11. suzi w. Avatar
    suzi w.

    Highland Park: Smiling Banana Thai is open for takeout/eat in. Call first, though: 412-362-3200.

    Tazza D'oro is closed, they lost power last night.

  12. suzi w. Avatar
    suzi w.

    Tazza D'Oro will be open at 8 tomorrow but only with coffee, brewed and pressed. No expresso drinks or yummy foodstuffs, but they will have pastries. Not sure if they'll be open til 10pm, so call ahead.

  13. Will Avatar

    The Casino and Canines at the PAPA is cancelled today. I saw it on their website. It’ll be rescheduled at a later date.

  14. suzi w. Avatar
    suzi w.

    Highland Park: Smiling Banana Thai is open for takeout/eat in. Call first, though: 412-362-3200.

    Tazza D’oro is closed, they lost power last night.

  15. suzi w. Avatar
    suzi w.

    East Liberty Farmer’s Market (usually Saturday morning) will be open tomorrow morning so produce/meat doesn’t spoil.

    The market is located at 344 North Sheridan Ave., adjacent to the Home Depot parking lot.

  16. ErinK Avatar

    In Regent Square, D’s and Legume and Map Room are open. I didn’t get any farther down the street than that!

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      thanks for the update! all great places – you don’t need to go farther than that block. Wishing I was in your neighborhood this eve.

  17. suzi w. Avatar
    suzi w.

    Tazza D’Oro will be open at 8 tomorrow but only with coffee, brewed and pressed. No expresso drinks or yummy foodstuffs, but they will have pastries. Not sure if they’ll be open til 10pm, so call ahead.

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      Thanks for the heads up – I heard they had lost power too. Also open for those looking for coffee or to get our of the house – Voluto Coffee @volutocoffee and the East Liberty Farmers Market is open until noon http://iheartpgh.com/2010/02/06/east-liberty-farmers-market-open-this-sunday-27/

  18. IheartPGH Avatar

    Thanks for the heads up – I heard they had lost power too. Also open for those looking for coffee or to get our of the house – Voluto Coffee @volutocoffee and the East Liberty Farmers Market is open until noon http://iheartpgh.com/2010/02/06/east-liberty-fa…..

  19. IheartPGH Avatar

    Thanks for the heads up – I heard they had lost power too. Also open for those looking for coffee or to get our of the house – Voluto Coffee @volutocoffee and the East Liberty Farmers Market is open until noon http://iheartpgh.com/2010/02/06/east-liberty-farm