Sale in the Shop – 25% off

I don’t really like to spend time blogging about the shop.  Many of you have already bought shirts and it makes me so happy when I run into someone wearing one of the shirts.

As you may know, I work for Spreadshirt, which manages all of the t-shirts now.  I talked the marketing team into a sale for blog readers until March 31st, I like to refer to it as the Super Secret Blog Sale.  So anyone who orders from Spreadshirt shop can save 25% off their order.  Just enter the code SecretBlogSale at checkout.

I also added some new items to the shop some kids sized t-shirts and aprons too.  You can even choose the color of the t-shirt.

As always we would love to see pictures of you in your IheartPGH gear so send them in.


One response to “Sale in the Shop – 25% off”

  1. Aurora Avatar

    What about I heart Pgh shirts in ladies styles? I'm not talking pink here, just a more flattering shirt for women.