Are Yinz Registered to Vote?

This is a friendly reminder to all who live in Pittsburgh to check your voter registration status! You can check your voter registration status online at VotesPA.

TODAY October 10, 2017 is the LAST DAY TO REGISTER TO VOTE before the November General Election.  If you plan to vote in Pennsylvania on Tuesday November 7, 2017 you MUST submit your voter registration by October 10.

Register to Vote or Update Your Voter Registration in Pennsylvania

Online Voter Registration

This is the first presidential election that you can register to vote online in Pennsylvania. You can register to vote online here:

Paper Voter Registration

Fill out, print and mail a voter registration form. Click here to use our handy voter registration tool provided by RockTheVote.

Remind Your Friends & Get Involved

Know of other groups or organizations that are planning activities around voter registration or election day? Please leave a comment below.