Rahnd-up: Burgh Blog(h)s

– One of the Inner Bitch girls attends a lecture, wins a prize. I’m still waiting to see if she’ll share. She seems like a nice person, but I ain’t holdin’ my breath.

Dish does a sort of Git Aht-ish type thingy, the main difference being there’s no booze listed, but plenty of Social Responsibility.

– Dear Pitt Girl: Just stop going to Craigslist. On second thought, don’t. You make the sacrifice so we don’t have to, and I appreciate it.

Overheard In Pittsburgh: You mean like, ever? Then yeah, I have.


One response to “Rahnd-up: Burgh Blog(h)s”

  1. Colleen Van Tassell Avatar

    Thanks so much for letting us run the Git Aht column last week. I work for Shepherd Wellness and I'm sure that Patrick's listing for our Saturday event was a big factor in out receiving $2000 and the high turnout.

    Also, two readers had a blast riding Segways on Sunday. They said they’d never had heard about it if not for Iheartpgh.

    Kent’s keen eye for off-beat weekend events are a must read!