Radio Round Up – October 12, 2007

12 hours of AIR

  • Artist Image Resource 6th Annual Benefit
  • Saturday, October 13th, Noon-Midnight
  • $10 admission = beer, food, fun, print making, performances and more
  • Troop Jazzercise Pittsburgh, The Mobile Museum, East End Beer


  • Sunday October 14, Noon-4pm
  • Southside Slopes Neighborhood Association
  • Self guided tour of the city steps and Southside Slopes neighborhood
  • Of the three cities in the United States with the most public stairways, Pittsburgh, had 712, has more than the next two cities combined. Cincinnati takes second with 400 stairways, and San Francisco a distant third with 168 stairways. The South Side Slopes has a total of 68 sets of steps with a total count of 5,447

Dorkbot Pittsburgh

  • A gathering of people that like to do cool things with electricity
  • there are dorkbot chapters all over the county
  • next meeting, Thursday October 18th 7:30-9:30pm @ Brillobox

Save the Date – Scavenge Shadyside

  • Sunday October 21st – Urban Hike’s annual scavenger hunt
  • Bring a team or show up and join a team
  • search for clues, take pictures win prizes

More, More, More…


One response to “Radio Round Up – October 12, 2007”

  1. Chris Griswold Avatar

    What happened? No updates?