Was it Professor Plum, with the Candlestick … in the Library?

Wadsworth (Tim Curry) and the other guests ans...
Image via Wikipedia

One of my all time favorite movies is Clue – yes the Clue with Mrs. White, Professor Plum and the singing telegram – so I love that the upcoming fundraiser at the Carnegie Library includes a live action version of Clue.  This Friday, September 23, its After Hours @ the Library.  The Carnegie Library has been hosting these occasional fundraisers at different Libraries around town – this week the After Hours party is at the library in Oakland. For $25 you can support the library, have some snacks, enjoy some drinks, listen to the musical stylings of Joy Ike AND play live action game of Clue.

What’s Live Action Clue you ask? It is our optional, super low key and awfully fun way to win some cool prizes and help Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh solve a murder mystery. You’ll stroll through the party enjoying your drinks and some great snacks donated by local restaurants and may see Mrs. Peacock, Mr. Green or Colonel Mustard having a fabulous time at the library too. You also may see the rope bartending and the wrench reading a magazine… Your job is to ask these characters if they have a clue for you. Once you get all the clues (or lack of clues, hint, hint), you’ll be able to figure out who done it, with what and in what room. It is easy, fun and optional.

Event Details:

After Hours @ The Library
Carnegie Library in Oakland
September 23, 2011, 6:30 – 9:00 pm

Tickets are $25 but there are still tickets available on Groupon here  for $13.

For my fellow Clue fans – the singing telegram…



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  1. […] Was it Professor Plum, with the Candlestick … in the Library? […]