Pittsburgh Holiday YouTube Fun

Well-packed tin of Eat n Park smiley cookies.
Image by richeditor via Flickr

I am sorry I didn’t get to post this before Christmas but the Eat N  Park star commercial is a classic – so we can still enjoy it after Christmas too. (I love that EatNPark continues to air this commercial each holiday season – read more about the commercial and lots of other smiley things on the EatNPark Blog here).

And here is another holiday video that is sure to bring some joy (and I believe it was filmed here in Pittsburgh too!) what is sure to become a new holiday classic – Let the Belly go Jelly.


7 responses to “Pittsburgh Holiday YouTube Fun”

  1. Shawn Avatar

    The E & P commerical is one of the ones we look for every year. When we see it we know its Christmas time.

  2. IheartPGH Avatar

    thanks for the comment! hope you had a great holiday!!! merry merry!

  3. Shawn Avatar

    The E & P commerical is one of the ones we look for every year. When we see it we know its Christmas time.

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      thanks for the comment! hope you had a great holiday!!! merry merry!

  4. askcherlock Avatar

    I have always loved the Eat 'N Park commercial. My kids still remember it. Where else but Pittsburgh. Only Pittsburgh.

  5. askcherlock Avatar

    I have always loved the Eat ‘N Park commercial. My kids still remember it. Where else but Pittsburgh. Only Pittsburgh.

  6. ADA Avatar

    I love your blog and think you are right to raise this important issue.