You know, they say Pittsburgh is the San Francisco of the East. (Or maybe that’s just me.) I randomly came across the web site of the Western PA Wheelman (bicycle club) who brings us this handy-dandy list of the steepest grades in the city … and out. I’m glad to see South Pittsburgh REPRESENT.
From Pgh Post-Gazette, Oct 5, 1984:
Street / Neighborhood / Grade
1. Canton Beechview 37%
2. Flowers Hazelwood 28%
3. East Woodford Carrick 27.6%
4. Cutler Northside 26%
5. Rialto (Pig Hill) Troy Hill 24%
6. Tesla Hazelwood 24%
7. Newitt Carrick 23%
8. N. Winebiddle Garfield 23%
9. Hampshire Beechview 23%
10. Potomac Banksville 22%Outside of the city:
1 Logan Millvale 25%
2. Winsdor Forest Hills 25%
3. Decatur Forest Hills 24%
4. Seavy-High Etna 22%
5. Marion Forest Hills 19%
(Thanks to knobil for the photo of Polish Hill.)
14 responses to “Pittsburgh Hills”
Here elaborates the matter not only extensively but also detailly .I support the nwrite's unique point.It is useful and benefit to your daily life.You can go those nsits to know more relate things.They are strongly recommended by friends.Personally nI feel quite well..
Do you know of a place referred to as Coleman's Hill in Pittsburgh?
Do you know of a place called Coleman's Hill in Pittsburgh?
[…] Thanks to a reader for pointing us to this PG article about Canton Ave. in Beechview – the street with the highest grade in Pittsburgh, PA. Turns out we might have a world record in our midst! […]
You realize how steep 37% is??? That's 3.7 feet up for every 10 out. A causal cyclist would be destroyed by this hill, as are most Duquesne Light service trucks.
In my previous cycling fanatic life, I came across an unsactioned race called the Dirty Dozen. To the chagrin of its hardcore participants, the PG took notice this year. It's a baker's dozen of Pittsburgh's steepest, and I think all of these are on it.
For you cyclists out there, it works like this. It is a casual ride from hill to hill. Then a mad dash to the top of that hill ensues at the blow of a whistle. If you dab – meaning, take your foot of the pedal and touch the ground – you go back to the bottom and start over.
Click on Dirty Dozen at the left.
This is a terrific list, but it does not include many of the steepest roads, most of which can be found in Beechview. Canton is only slightly steeper than Boustead, and the latter maintains its grade for a greater distance. It would be a much better ride than Canton.
[…] Check out this post from 2006 that links to a list of steepest hills in the city. […]
Do you know of a place called Coleman's Hill in Pittsburgh?
Do you know of a place referred to as Coleman's Hill in Pittsburgh?
Do you know of a place called Coleman’s Hill in Pittsburgh?
Do you know of a place referred to as Coleman’s Hill in Pittsburgh?
Here elaborates the matter not only extensively but also detailly .I support the write's unique point.It is useful and benefit to your daily life.You can go those sits to know more relate things.They are strongly recommended by friends.Personally I feel quite well..
Here elaborates the matter not only extensively but also detailly .I support the nwrite's unique point.It is useful and benefit to your daily life.You can go those nsits to know more relate things.They are strongly recommended by friends.Personally nI feel quite well..
Here elaborates the matter not only extensively but also detailly .I support the
write’s unique point.It is useful and benefit to your daily life.You can go those
sits to know more relate things.They are strongly recommended by friends.Personally
I feel quite well..