Apologies for the last minute posting on this event for CubaOne, which is tonight, Monday, December 12, 2016. Even if you can’t make it to this event, I wanted to share some information with Pittsburgh readers about the CubaOne Foundation.
One of the founders of the CubaOne Foundation is Daniel Jimenez. I met Daniel through PUMP many years ago, I think we were both board members at the same time. Daniel and I have stayed in touch via Facebook. I struggle, like many others, with how much is too much Facebook, but it is following things like the launch of the CubaOne Foundation that make checking Facebook worth it.
CubaOne Foundation Vision
Through direct engagement and open dialogue, we can build bridges of cooperation, understanding, and unity among all people of Cuban heritage, regardless of where they may live. Our trips are designed to facilitate interactions among a new generation of Cubans—both on the island and in the United States—where people can naturally pursue their passions, dreams, and work together toward a brighter tomorrow. We want Cuban Americans to visit Cuba, experience it, talk about it, and think about what an emerging Cuba means for them and their communities in the U.S.
It has been a delight to follow the birth of the CubaOne Foundation through Daniel’s Facebook posts. Thanks to Facebook, I’ve been able to see this project go from idea, to name, to trips to Cuba, to coverage of CubaOne in the New York Times. While Daniel is not currently a resident of Pittsburgh, I think it is a testament to his connections to Pittsburgh that he has organized an event for the CubaOne Foundation here.
I am excited about the work that the CubaOne Foundation is doing to create a dialogue about the Cuban American experience and cultural heritage through trips and conversations. I know first hand how important it is to go and see other communities. In 2013, thanks to the generous support of the readers of IheartPGH, I had the opportunity to participate in the Millennial Trains Project. This cross-country train trip provided me with the opportunity to visit community spaces and connect with other young leaders from around the country and the globe. Daniel was one of the supporters of my trip and it is an honor to share his project with the IheartPGH community. (You can read a recap of the trip here: Five Things I Brought Back to Pittsburgh From My Cross Country Train Trip.) You can read articles and watch documentaries. But to go and experience a place and bring those stories back to share with others is a key part of creating a shared cultural understand.

The event tonight will feature speakers from Pittsburgh who have had the chance to visit Cuba – including Island Jim, owner of Leaf & Bean in the Strip District and Joanna Huss of Huss Group.
Details for tonight’s event are below. If you can’t make the event, be sure to follow CubaOne on Facebook, Twitter @CubaOneTweets & Instagram for updates and beautiful photography from their trips.
A Free Trip to Cuba?
Know of a young Cuban Americans (ages 22-35)? Encourage them to apply for Tu Cuba, a free trip to Cuba with the CubaOne Foundation. The application is pretty simple and there are several trips each year.
EVENT // Monday, December 12, 2016: CubaOne: Bridges to Pittsburgh
Please join CubaOne Foundation, for a timely discussion on the new Cuba and an evening celebrating Cuban heritage and culture in support of the organization.
- Daniel Jimenez, Founder + CEO CubaOne Foundation, Pitt + CMU alum
- Island Jim, Owner Leaf and Bean, recently returned from a trip to Cuba’s tobacco fields
- Joanna Huss, Huss Group, Cuban American, recently visited Cuba for the first time
Host Committee:
- Congressman Mike Doyle
- Saleem Ghubril, Pittsburgh Promise Executive Director
- Becca Burns
- Nila Devanath
- Kylie LaSota
- Jordan Pallitto
- Kris Rust
Wigle Whiskey, 2401 Smallman Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
- 5.30-6.30pm Cocktail Hour
- 6.30-7.30pm Panel Discussion
- 7.30-8.30pm Mixer
For tickets: https://bridgestopittsburgh.eventbrite.com/
Related articles
- Cuban-American millennials anticipate role in evolving Cuba (bostonherald.com)
- Cuban-American millennials want a role in shaping the new Cuba now that Fidel Castro has died (businessinsider.com)