Pittsburgh Cares about Darfur!

I was at the Save Darfur rally in Washington DC yesterday. Aside from the awesome speakers, something caught my eye. A sign rise from the crowd & brought a nostalgic tear to my eye….of course being ever so unprepared, I was without a camera. Much to my surprise that little sign made it into today’s Washington Post Online – (it’s in a audio photo gallery and the only way I could save it was by doing a printscreen so sorry for the lack of clarity!) Go Pittsburgh! and thanks for coming down to show your support.


Ed note: A group of about 300 Pittsburghers went to DC for the rally through Pittsburgh Darfur Emergency Coalition: http://www.pittsburghdarfur.org/

An impressive coalition of regional organizations is helping to collect postcards to send to our leaders to take action in the Sudan. Organizations are listed below. If you would like to get involved, please contact David Rosenberg.

Local organizations helping us collect postcards:
Adat Shalom Congregation
African American Jazz Preservation Society of Pittsburgh
Amachi, Pittsburgh
American Jewish Committee
Amnesty International, University of Pittsburgh Chapter
Association of Pittsburgh Priests
Beth El Congregation of the South Hills
Calvary Episcopal, Pittsburgh
Church of the Ascension, Pittsburgh
Church of the Redeemer (Episcopal)
Church of the Saviour, Ambridge
Community Day
Community House Church
Crafton Heights Presbyterian Church
Dor Hadash Congregation
Drop the Debt – University of Pittsburgh
Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh
First Unitarian Universalist Church, Pittsburgh
FORGE, Facilitating Opportunities for Refugees for Growth and Empowerment
Global Solutions Pittsburgh
Greater Pittsburgh Community Foodbank
Hillel Jewish University Center,
Holocaust Center of Greater Pittsburgh,
Malvin Dental,
Mt. Lebanon, Amnestiy International Chapter
Mt. Lebanon Emergency
National Council of Jewish Women, Pittsburgh Section
Navigator Printing (Paul Mathews)
Northside Unitarian Universalist Church
Northside United Institutional Church of God in Christ
Ohav Shalom Congregation of the North Hills
Pittsburgh Refugee Center
Pittsburgh ONE Campaign
Religious Society of Friends — Pittsburgh Meeting
Rodef Shalom
Social Justice and Peace Committee, St. James Church, Wilkinsburg
Students for Justice, Rogers School
Students at CAPA School
Students at Carnegie Mellon University
Students at Central Catholic High School
Students at Community College of Allegheny CountyStudents Taking Action Now: Darfur, Schenley H.S. Chapter
Students Taking Action Now: Darfur, Taylor Allderdice Chapter
Students Taking Action Now: Darfur, University of Pittsburgh Chapter
Temple Emanuel of the South Hills
Temple Sinai Congregation
Thomas Merton Center
Tree of Life Congregation
Tree of Life Men’s Club
Tri-State Region, Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs
United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh
United Methodist Women
Unitarian Universalist Church of the South Hills,
Veraldi’s Salon, Craig Street


One response to “Pittsburgh Cares about Darfur!”

  1. Angelea Taylor Avatar
    Angelea Taylor

    I go to ROgers capa, and when the students for justice showed us their presentation, I then wanted to do something. I really am trying to do something about this.