pittsburgh candle company

located just outside city limits is a successful woman-owned business called the pittsburgh candle company. susan miller manufactures and sells 100% soy-based candles at her west view shop.

so, for those people that you don’t know what to get for them for the holidays and were going to buy the generic candle anyway, please consider making a trip to west view for a locally-made soy candle from a locally-woman-owned business.


8 responses to “pittsburgh candle company”

  1. Lindsay Avatar

    soy candles are awesome – much much much better for the enviroment

  2. Susan Miller Avatar
    Susan Miller

    Thank you so much for the comments on our company! Unfortunatley, we have lost our lease in Westview, so we have become an internet, phone, and mail order comapny. Please make a note of our NEW contact information: 412 318 4644 and http://www.PittsburghCandleCompany.com. Be sure to check out our soy candles that turn into a lotion!

  3. Judy Miller Avatar
    Judy Miller

    Are you still selling your candles?
    I've tried via internet and telephone. Could you send me an email?

  4. Beth Avatar

    Susan's new phone number is 412-415-3584
    email PittCandle@aol.com

  5. Designs By Anthony Avatar
    Designs By Anthony

    Hi this is Anthony just thinking about you wondering what happend to the westview store I am still around and went thru a lot of problems and getting back on my feet so give me a call 412-231-0702 or paulnellis@aol.com hope to hear from you soon and that all is well love Anthony

  6. susan miller Avatar
    susan miller

    Well, we are still getting back on our feet! We moved, after loosing our lease in WEstview, then suffered an office fire! WE are permanently at 412 415 3584, or pittcandle@aol.com. Thank you to everyone that is helping to get the word out.

  7. Susan Miller Avatar

    September is coming, and I will finally have my smallest children in school, and I have decided to cut back on my volunteer work to get ready for the marketing campaign for Pittsburgh Candle Co.! The website is up, and content is still going up, so please keep checking it. The Enewsletter should be available the end of August 07, so be sure to email us to get sign up for the newsletter, at Pittcandle@aol.com. The promotional products are in, and are being distributed to those who place an order. We have a lot of promotional specials lined up, including $50 worth of FREE candles! You pick the candles you want, and we ask you to display a PCC sign in your yard, that says, "I love these candles!" Pittsburgh Candle Co. 412 415 3584 http://www.PittsburghCandleCompany.com. That's it! There are lots of NEW products, including our revamp of our bath line, "Body Candy". I look forward to hearing from you all! Thanks for your interest!

  8. kim lanz Avatar
    kim lanz

    hi susan, bought candles from you before several times. interested in the pcc sign display and the free candles. email me. glad to hear your business is doing well