Pitt Telefact

Wow. I learn new things every day. The other day, someone told me about Telefact, a service provided by the students at the University of Pittsburgh. Apparently, it’s like google from your phone. These students can provide any piece of information, from who originally sang your favorite cover songs, or obscure sports facts from the 1960s. A couple of friends tried it, and whaddya know, it works.

Just call 412 624 FACT for your trivia and others requests.

I don’t know if this service is specifically for the university community or for Pittsburgh at large. Does anyone know anything about this?


2 responses to “Pitt Telefact”

  1. Chris Griswold Avatar

    No, this service is open to everyone. I used to call them for directions last year while living in NYC.

    They can be really helpful, but I have noticed the service go down in quality over the past few years, with operators even saying they will research the answer and call back, but then never doing so. I think a reliance on Google has made them soft.

    The big secret always used to be where they are headquartered. At one point, I wanted to figure it out, but then I got bored.

    Overall, good service, and most operators are great.

  2. Diana Avatar

    I work for telefact. The line is sponsered by the activities fee the students at Pitt pay, so yes, the line is provided for the students. However, since we can't differentiate as to who is calling we have to answer questions for any moron that calls.

    And yes, we say we will call back, but if you ask an impossible question like say how many delivery men have ever appeared in a porno film, them we probably won't even bother. We have students who actually need our help so we can't be bothered with drunken asses wasting our time.