pghT – Pittsburgh Celebrates International T-shirt Day – Mon. June 21

The Heart of PA T-shirts from IheartPGH.Spread...
Image by IheartPGH via Flickr

It started with a tweet – for the past few years – has declared June 21st International T-shirt Day.  We posted a tweet yesterday suggesting a PGH t-shirt day celebration.  A few tweets later – we had an event.  Just finished a quick PGH t-shirt day get together with some of our PGH t-shirt friends from Commonwealth Press and Only in Pittsburgh.  Here is what we have got cooking – a t-shirt day celebration and later this summer a t-shirt show of Pittsburgh t-shirts.

There is just something about the t-shirt and the PGH t-shirts.  Before IheartPGH was a blog it was a t-shirt – the first t-shirt we ever screen printed was an IheartPGH shirt – years later it inspired this blog and many a t-shirt activity.  We met Commonwealth Press from a flyer about t-shirt prinitng – our little PGH shirt helped us to become friends with the t-shirt guys in St. Louis – STL Style (Hi Jeff and Randy!) and IheartPGH and STL Syle’s shirts even made it to the New York Times. We are really excited about these PGH t-shirt events – looking forward to seeing all of the great PGH t-shirts.

Here are the details for the PGH T-shirt Day on Monday – stay tuned for more info about all things PGH t-shirt.

This Year's T-Shirt
Image by mrdestructicity via Flickr

PGH celebrates International T-shirt Day
Monday, June 21, 2010
3-5pm Screen Printing Demos at Commonwealth Press – 1931 E. Carson St., Pittsburgh, PA 15203
5-8pm Happy Hour – wear your favorite PGH t-shirt @ OTB Cafe – 2518 Carson St., Pittsburgh, PA 15203

Facebook Event –

Twitter Hash Tag – #pghT

Want to help organize t-shirt day – email us

What is your favorite PGH t-shirt – please share links and phoots below.


17 responses to “pghT – Pittsburgh Celebrates International T-shirt Day – Mon. June 21”

  1. Christinamcgin Avatar

    Where can we get the Prospects t-shirts?

  2. Christinamcgin Avatar

    Where can we get the Prospects t-shirts?

    1. Dave White Avatar

      You can get them, conveniently enough, at Commonwealth Press so stop by on Monday to see their demos!

      1. IheartPGH Avatar

        Wait wait wait!! @mrdestructicity what is the t-shirt project?

        1. Dave White Avatar

          I am totally going to the t-shirt day celebrations since they’re right down the street from my office.

          The T-Shirt Project is just an attempt to document all the t-shirts I’ve picked up over the years, though it’s also grown as I keep seeing new t-shirts to pick up and friends keep giving me shirts they’ve picked up. I’m angling to post at least 100 photos, and I’m getting close.

      2. IheartPGH Avatar

        and are you coming to t-shirt day celebrations?!?!

  3. Ben Flath Avatar

    Really dig the shirt with state outline and the heart over our glorious city. Anywhere to find one before Monday [ie not the internet]?

  4. Ben Flath Avatar

    Really dig the shirt with state outline and the heart over our glorious city. Anywhere to find one before Monday [ie not the internet]?

  5. Dave White Avatar

    You can get them, conveniently enough, at Commonwealth Press so stop by on Monday to see their demos!

  6. IheartPGH Avatar

    Wait wait wait!! @mrdestructicity what is the t-shirt project?

  7. IheartPGH Avatar

    and are you coming to t-shirt day celebrations?!?!

  8. Dave White Avatar

    I am totally going to the t-shirt day celebrations since they're right down the street from my office.The T-Shirt Project is just an attempt to document all the t-shirts I've picked up over the years, though it's also grown as I keep seeing new t-shirts to pick up and friends keep giving me shirts they've picked up. I'm angling to post at least 100 photos, and I'm getting close.

  9. Caitlin Avatar

    I have this one on: one of the map!They'll be purchaseable on our site within the week 🙂

  10. […] In honor of t-shirt day here is a collection of t-shirt related sites and shops.  Don’t forget about the Pittsburgh t-shirt day event – Monday, June 21 3-8pm – all of the details are available here. […]

  11. Caitlin Avatar

    I have this one on: one of the map!nnThey'll be purchaseable on our site within the week 🙂

  12. Caitlin Avatar

    I have this one on:

    The one of the map!

    They’ll be purchaseable on our site within the week 🙂

  13. […] love Pittsburgh and t-shirts.  We decided that Pittsburgh needed a t-shirt day event too. Thus the Pittsburgh T-Shirt show was born (you can see a list of some of the vendors from the first PGHTee event here. Thanks to the first […]