Yes, it has only been two weeks since we swore in Bill Peduto as the 60th mayor of Pittsburgh. But the race for Governor is in full swing.
The current governor of Pennsylvania is Tom Corbett. He was elected in 2011. The governor of PA is elected every 4 years. Tom Corbett is a republican and likely unopposed in the primary election.
The democratic primary is another story, There are currently 8 candidate in the running for the democratic nomination. All of those candidates will be in Pittsburgh this Sunday for a forum that is being hosted by the 14th Ward Democratic Club, the 7th Ward Democratic Committee, and the CMU Young Democrats.
Democratic Candidates Forum
Sunday, January 25, 2014
CMU – McComomy Auditorium

The following candidates will be attending:
- Allyson Schwartz
- Katie McGinty
- John Hanger
- Rob McCord
- Max Myers
- Jo Ellen Litz
- Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski
- Thomas Wolf
The City Paper has a preview of the forum and bios of the candidates here.
We’ll be using the hashtag #pghgov to follow any events and new related to the race for Governor in and around Pittsburgh. If anyone is planning to attend the event on Sunday and would be interested in live tweeting or writing a re-cap of the event – please let me know.

2 responses to “#pghGov – Meet The Candidates Running for Governor in 2014”
I believe there may actually be one, perhaps even two challengers on the Republican ticket against Corbett in May.
Jo Ellen LItz was a train wreck.