October 16 – Pumpkin Beer Tap Takeover @ Harris Grill w/Bacon

Elysian The Great Pumpkin Beer Fest
Elysian The Great Pumpkin Beer Fest (Photo credit: The Northwest Beer Guide (aka, The Pickled Liver))

While I am sitting here bemoaning the end of summer – I have noticed that many others are taking the arrival of fall in stride because they are excited about 1 thing – all things pumpkin.  Apparently – yinz can’t wait for the pumpkin flavore to return to your lattes, muffins and of course beer.

For all of the pumpkin beer loving readers – here is an advanced notice of super pumpkin beer night at the Harris Grill. From their latest newsletter

Tuesday October 16th marks our 3rd annual Smashing Pumpkins punkin’ beer tap takeover.  As many pumpkin beers as we can get our hands on, and maybe even a pumpkin shot or two.  Also a Bacon Night! What’s not to love?

If you are new to Pittsburgh, or just didn’t know about this yet – every Tuesday is Bacon Night at the Harris Grill

.  So Tuesday, October 16 – they are doubling down – pumpkin beer and bacon.

3rd Annual Smashing Pumpkins Punkin’ Beer Tap Takeover
and Bacon Night
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Harris Grill

Harris Grill on Urbanspoon


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