Next Best Thing to Heinz Field – Places to Watch the Steeler Game in Pittsburgh

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Image by Getty Images via Daylife

UPDATED 9/15 – Added Mullaney’s Harp and Fiddle in the Strip District.

We have been doing a lot of talk about best places to watch the Steelers outside of Pittsburgh – new places are being added to the Steeler Bar Map daily! But we wanted to find out where Pittsburghers in Pittsburgh watch the game. Here are the suggestions we have recieved:




  • The Thunderbird Cafe – Robert says “The Thunderbird (in Lawrenceville) is a cool place with a good beer selection, a friendly crowd and a huge projection screen to watch on. Good times.”
  • Round Corner Cantina – Christina says “their kitchen opens tonight too! Mexican food, yummy cocktails + Stillers = <3 <3”

Mt. Washington

Station Square

South Side:


East Liberty

  • AVA – Sarah says “AVA for the taco wings”



  • Matt says “anywhere in Bloomfield, especially at Captain Bloomfield’s sidewalk living room in the 4500 block of Liberty Ave”
  • Nico’s Recovery Room – Henry says “I dont live in the burgh anymore, but Nico’s recovery room is defiantly the best place to go in the EastEnd. For one thing you get to whatch the game whist rubbing elbows with people that have been fans since the iron curtain days, and there’s the free Isaly’s BBQ sandwiches (or other regionally appropriate fare) free at the half!”

Strip District



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5 responses to “Next Best Thing to Heinz Field – Places to Watch the Steeler Game in Pittsburgh”

  1. candaceb19 Avatar

    To the guy that commented on Nico's…it's the STEEL Curtain not Iron Curtain..jeesh!

  2.  Avatar

    To the guy that commented on Nico’s…it’s the STEEL Curtain not Iron Curtain..jeesh!

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      excellent point 🙂

  3. IheartPGH Avatar

    excellent point 🙂

  4. IheartPGH Avatar

    excellent point 🙂