Gold Glitter Hearts and more…

We are just getting started with the possibilites of our new online store. But we now have a shop with
Click here to visit the IheartPGH SpreadShop
SpreadShirt happens to be based right here in Pittsburgh and offers way better merchandise than the Cafe Press Shop we had up before.
We have just added some new items – including a Black t-shirt with a Gold Glitter heart.

Additonally they have a nice little summer sale going on until August 28th – Save 15% off your order of $15.00 or more – enter the code “SummerSale06” when you check out.

Check out the “pittsburghers are tasty” t-shirt too!

Have an idea for a Pittsburgh T-shirt? leave a comment or send an email to Let us know what you think of the new SpreadShirt Shop for

Want to sell t-shirts on your site? Looking for an easy way to design and sell t-shirts? Definitly check out – I can’t say enough about how SpreadShirt is so much better than other online merchandise shops.
– Better looking online shop (you can even customise the header and footer to make it look like your site
– Better Merchandise – colored t-shirts, direct vector prints (way better than just the digital transfers that Cafe Press offers)
– Better customer service

I was so impressed with the people at SpreadShirt that I am now helping them get their new blog up and running.


One response to “Gold Glitter Hearts and more…”

  1. […] Look, it’s not doing you or anybody else any good right now – you’ve long-since upgraded to the Quad-Processor 1.21 jigawatt monstrosity that will let you buy tasteful clothing with incredible ease, allow you to IM with your no-good layabout friends (OMG! STFU!), and even, perhaps, get some friggin’ work done every once in a while. Your new monitor is one of those fancy-pants LCD types which you could hang on a wall and lift with one hand. So the silicon behemoth collects dust, like some long-forgotten relic of a bygone age. […]