More Info about the National Steelers Bar Tour

I wanted to follow up to yesterday’s post about this project and share some more information about what we are hoping to do.

Where did this idea come from: IheartPGH was started as a joke back in September 2005 – I didn’t even know what a blog was when I set this little website up. In the past four years this blog has become more than a website and it has been amazing to see the community of people in Pittsburgh and around the country come together to share their favorites. One of the places where the Pittsburgh community is most visible is the Steeler Nation. I will admit that when I travel, I look up the closest Steeler bars – even if it isn’t football season – I even tried to convince my mom we should have dinner at the local Steelers bar in Venice, FL when we were visitng my grandparents for easter.

So last week I was booking a plane ticket to visit an old Pittsburgh friend and I noticed that JetBlue is running this promotion All-You-Can-Jet – for $599 you can travel as many times as you want in the month of September. So I have been talking about this idea with some friends and decided to see if there was any support for the project. I sent around some emails and got a good response from some friends. I put up the post and fundraising challenge yesterday to see if there was any interest in supporting a tour of Steelers bar – I never expected to get so much support so quickly.

Supporting the Project: I know there have been some questions about this – we are not a charity – just some bloggers hoping to put together a little project to visit some Steeler Bars around the country. There are lots of great non-profit projects out there that need your support, especially in this economy. So we have tried to come up with a way for you to help us raise some money for this trip in exchange to something of value – your link on the blog roll, an IheartPGH t-shirt or tote bag or a blog post about you/your organization. If there are other ways we can help you and you can support the project – please let us know.

Where Are You Going To Go?: I am not sure yet – I think the best way to figure this out is to ask the Steeler Nation and we have already recieved so many great Steeler Bar recommendations. Depending on costs – we will use the JetBlue Pass to fly to the furthest places. If things go well – hopefully we can continue to visit Steelers bars for the entire football season. There are already some offers for iron city beers in New York City.

Tracking the Tour: Of course, there will be blog posts, tweets and photos. Maybe this could become a book or a photo book. I would love to look at getting a better camera or if we can raise some more money bringing along a cameraman to make a documentary about the Steelers Bar.

Spread the Word, Support the Tour: – click here to learn more about how you can support the Steeler Bar Tour and IheartPGH

UPDATE – We have raised the first $500 – THANK YOU PITTSBURGH LOVERS!!!! Visit the Support Page to learn how you can help support the tour!

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18 responses to “More Info about the National Steelers Bar Tour”

  1. pghrugbyangel Avatar

    What's the name of the Steeler bar in Venice, FL? I spend some time down there…

  2. Ken Barnard Avatar

    You should visit Durkin's in Chicago. It's the most intense Steeler bar in the city. Others may say Joe's on Weed Street because they have a polka band (pretty cool) but Durkin's feels like you're at a game, the fans are so intense.Also, the only game I've ever watched at Joe's was the AFC Championship in Ben's rookie year when the Pats torched us. Never been back since. Just bad karma for me.

  3. pghrugbyangel Avatar

    What’s the name of the Steeler bar in Venice, FL? I spend some time down there…

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      According to SteelersAddicts – Bogey’s in Venice FL is the local Steelers Bar
      I think it is on Venice Ave, before you go across the bridge to the island part of Venice.

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  5. Ken Barnard Avatar

    You should visit Durkin’s in Chicago. It’s the most intense Steeler bar in the city. Others may say Joe’s on Weed Street because they have a polka band (pretty cool) but Durkin’s feels like you’re at a game, the fans are so intense.

    Also, the only game I’ve ever watched at Joe’s was the AFC Championship in Ben’s rookie year when the Pats torched us. Never been back since. Just bad karma for me.

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      Awesome – I have seen some other suggestions for Durkins but the polka band sounds pretty cool too here is an article from the Chicago Tribune about that Joe’s on Weed Street

  6. bonniematthews Avatar

    I don't have time to read all the posts so if this is a duplicate I apologize. I recommend Myrtle Beach and if you are there between 9/12 and 9/20 PLEASE LET ME KNOW ( and we will meet up with you! The best place and where we will be watching the Steelers/Bears game on 9/20 is Murphy's Law in Myrtle Beach. They also have one in Surfside and I think a new one out on 501, but not sure if that one is open yet. The owner is from North Hills and the bartender is from Plum! Then there is Oscars in North Myrtle and that owner is from Pittsburgh area (haven't met him yet, just was told by the bartender during last year's visit). There is also Spencerz in Surfside. Murphy's Law is the best and if you go (when we aren't there) tell Steve and Murph that Doug and Bonnie from Murrysville sent you!

  7. iheartpgh Avatar

    Thanks so much for the suggestion! Great to know about this place. I have to admit I have never been to Myrtle Beach and I would love to check it out!

  8. bonniematthews Avatar

    Email me…………

  9.  Avatar

    I don’t have time to read all the posts so if this is a duplicate I apologize. I recommend Myrtle Beach and if you are there between 9/12 and 9/20 PLEASE LET ME KNOW ( and we will meet up with you! The best place and where we will be watching the Steelers/Bears game on 9/20 is Murphy’s Law in Myrtle Beach. They also have one in Surfside and I think a new one out on 501, but not sure if that one is open yet. The owner is from North Hills and the bartender is from Plum! Then there is Oscars in North Myrtle and that owner is from Pittsburgh area (haven’t met him yet, just was told by the bartender during last year’s visit). There is also Spencerz in Surfside. Murphy’s Law is the best and if you go (when we aren’t there) tell Steve and Murph that Doug and Bonnie from Murrysville sent you!

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      Thanks so much for the suggestion! Great to know about this place. I have to admit I have never been to Myrtle Beach and I would love to check it out!

      1.  Avatar

        Email me…………

  10. iheartpgh Avatar

    According to SteelersAddicts – Bogey's in Venice FL is the local Steelers Bar think it is on Venice Ave, before you go across the bridge to the island part of Venice.

  11. iheartpgh Avatar

    Awesome – I have seen some other suggestions for Durkins but the polka band sounds pretty cool too here is an article from the Chicago Tribune about that Joe's on Weed Street…..

  12. jackfact Avatar

    Just moved to a small 4 acre horse farm in the mountains west of Boulder, Colorado… Despite having DirecTV, NFL Channel, ESPN, etc., I wasn't able to watch Big Ben put on his QB clinic as the Steelers out-scrimmaged the Bills 17-0 tonight…Haven't found any Steelers bars in downtown Boulder, but I hear there might be one on Pearl Street. Weird being in Broncos territory, but most people seem to be caught up with the Rockies at the moment… Anyone know of any legitimate Stillers bars in or around Boulder? Not looking for your run-of-the-mill 'sports' bar, but a bonafide Steelers bar…I've been trying to find Pittsburgh made and inspired Steelers ware, since some of the Steelers fans I've run in to out here are your garden variety bandwagon type. Never been to the 'Burgh, never been east of the Mississippi, but they swear their alligence to the Black and Gold. I suppose that's cool, but something about this type of 'fan' just doesn't sit right with me… Whatever floats your boat I guess…Anyway, speaking of t-shirts, I found a couple of gems on that fit the bill… One in particular features the IRON CITY BEER logo, with a large inscription stating IRON CITY FOOTBALL; REAL TEAM, REAL FANS, REAL FOOTBALL. Got me a nice hoodie..

  13.  Avatar

    Just moved to a small 4 acre horse farm in the mountains west of Boulder, Colorado… Despite having DirecTV, NFL Channel, ESPN, etc., I wasn't able to watch Big Ben put on his QB clinic as the Steelers out-scrimmaged the Bills 17-0 tonight…rnrnHaven't found any Steelers bars in downtown Boulder, but I hear there might be one on Pearl Street. Weird being in Broncos territory, but most people seem to be caught up with the Rockies at the moment… Anyone know of any legitimate Stillers bars in or around Boulder? Not looking for your run-of-the-mill 'sports' bar, but a bonafide Steelers bar…rnrnI've been trying to find Pittsburgh made and inspired Steelers ware, since some of the Steelers fans I've run in to out here are your garden variety bandwagon type. Never been to the 'Burgh, never been east of the Mississippi, but they swear their alligence to the Black and Gold. I suppose that's cool, but something about this type of 'fan' just doesn't sit right with me… Whatever floats your boat I guess…rnrnAnyway, speaking of t-shirts, I found a couple of gems on that fit the bill… rnrnOne in particular features the IRON CITY BEER logo, with a large inscription stating IRON CITY FOOTBALL; REAL TEAM, REAL FANS, REAL FOOTBALL. Got me a nice hoodie..rnrnr n another one, aptly titled THE DRINKIN' TOWN WITH A FOOTBALL PROBLEMrnr n

  14.  Avatar

    Just moved to a small 4 acre horse farm in the mountains west of Boulder, Colorado… Despite having DirecTV, NFL Channel, ESPN, etc., I wasn’t able to watch Big Ben put on his QB clinic as the Steelers out-scrimmaged the Bills 17-0 tonight…

    Haven’t found any Steelers bars in downtown Boulder, but I hear there might be one on Pearl Street. Weird being in Broncos territory, but most people seem to be caught up with the Rockies at the moment… Anyone know of any legitimate Stillers bars in or around Boulder? Not looking for your run-of-the-mill ‘sports’ bar, but a bonafide Steelers bar…

    I’ve been trying to find Pittsburgh made and inspired Steelers ware, since some of the Steelers fans I’ve run in to out here are your garden variety bandwagon type. Never been to the ‘Burgh, never been east of the Mississippi, but they swear their alligence to the Black and Gold. I suppose that’s cool, but something about this type of ‘fan’ just doesn’t sit right with me… Whatever floats your boat I guess…

    Anyway, speaking of t-shirts, I found a couple of gems on that fit the bill…

    One in particular features the IRON CITY BEER logo, with a large inscription stating IRON CITY FOOTBALL; REAL TEAM, REAL FANS, REAL FOOTBALL. Got me a nice hoodie..

    and another one, aptly titled THE DRINKIN’ TOWN WITH A FOOTBALL PROBLEM