Here are some links/articles/blog posts that are worth a look:
- Designer Days: NCJW, – Each year the Pittsburgh chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women holds a massive clothing sale of new and used clothing at the Expo Mart. I have gottned some great things here in the past. If you are a clothing shopper this is worth a stop. The 2008 sale is on October 18 and 19.
- Flavorville Cafe – this is the BEST place for lunch in Pittsburgh. Mike fed me lunch almost daily for a year. Mike is awesome and this place is tasty and affordable. I can't believe I haven't blogged about them yet. I will have to make a visit there and write more about Flavorville.
- pairIncubator – World-Class Web Technology Incubator – this looks really cool – the folks behind pair networks are looking for a few good businesses to incubate. deadline is Jane 2, 2009.
Click here to see more links we like.
One response to “Links Worth a Look – September 3rd”
Thanks so much for posting about Designer Days! In addition to the public sale on Saturday and Sunday 10/18-19, we also have a "sneak preview" sale on Friday 10/17 from 11am-4pm. Admission is $20 and gives you first crack at the merchandise (admission is free on Saturday and Sunday – and Sunday everything is 50% off 🙂