Links Worth a Look – March 8th

Here are some links/articles/blog posts that are worth a look:

  • Ridgway Rendezvous – Chainsaw art festival! Why haven't I heard of this before? Just finished the 10th annual festival. I am putting this on the calendar for next year.
  • Pop City – Pittsburgh's Frick Park named Best Urban Escape by Get Out! magazine – Pittsburgh's 561-acre Frick Park was recently named Best Urban Escape by Get Out! magazine, a web magazine devoted to outdoor adventure in the Ohio River region.

    Bordered by Squirrel Hill, Point Breeze, Park Place, Swisshelm Park and Regent Square, the wooded park offers miles of trails for hiking, mountain biking, bird watching and cross-country skiing, and even lawn bowling.

  • Photo Essay: Pittsburgh Art In Public Places – Nice photo slide show of Pittsburgh public art from PopCity Media

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One response to “Links Worth a Look – March 8th”

  1. Brett Avatar

    The photo essay was really cool. Pittsburgh offers some amazing and unique images–I'm glad Pop City is highlighting some of them!