Here are A few links about Pittsburgh n’at that we think are worth a click…
- Robotics Incubator coming to Oakland // @PghBizTimes
- In case you haven’t noticed – non-pittsburghers are moving to town. NextPittsburgh has profiles 6 people and what brought them to town – New talent: 6 recent hires and what drew them to Pittsburgh // @NEXTPittsburgh
- Wanna hang out with a bunch of developers? Check out the Pittsburgh Code & Supply MeetUp
- For the serious beer drinkers and history lovers… Do you know the history of your beer glassware? Check out this post – So Long, Shaker Pint: The Rise and Fall of America’s Aweful Beer Glass – from the Atlantic’s CityLab blog for an extensive look at the history of the shaker pint and what glassware you should be using. So what glasswhere should I use for an IC Light? // @CityLab
ATTEND this Event: GTECH’s Wet Hoptoberfest – Friday, October 3 at the Wigle Whiskey Barrel House
LIKE on Facebook: Abomination Creations – handmade, super scary masks made by Jordan Patton who also works at TechShop Pittsburgh
FOLLOW on Twitter: @SSSNA is the twitter account South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association – don’t miss their annual StepTrek this weekend
Have a link you think is worth a share? Share it in the comments below!
2 responses to “Links N’At – What is the correct glassware for an IC Light?”
The only thing IC Light should be in is a red Solo cup 🙂
[…] Links N’At – What is the correct glassware for an IC Light? (iheartpgh.com) […]