Laser Etch Your Pumpkin Pie at TechShop Tomorrow

laser etched pumpkin pie

laser etched pumpkin pieNot a baker? Not a problem.  You can impress your family with a custom laser etched pie. TechShop Pittsburgh is offering a pretty cool class for Thanksgiving.  You and your guest will get to use the Trotec laser cutter and will take home a custom laser-etched desert.

If you haven’t had a chance to explore TechShop yet – this is a great starter class.  I am a huge fan of using the laser cutter and this pie workshop is a great way to spend an evening preparing a special Thanksgiving treat.

  • Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2104
  • Time: 7pm
  • Location: TechShop Pittsburgh, Bakery Square
  • Cost: $75 for 2 people, $55 for 2 people if one person is a TechShop member (If you want to attend solo – call the front desk for pricing)
  • Register Online here –

Also – check out the upcoming Party at TechShop on December 4, 2014 for another great chance to check out what TechShop has to offer.