Jerry’s Railroad Photo Archive – Pgh style

You want old photos of trolleys?

Oh man, do we got old photos of trolleys.

Check’em aht:

1520 (St. Louis 1944) [71 NEGLEY HIGHLAND PK]
at 6th. & Liberty in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (April, 1966)

1444 (St. Louis 1942) [77/54 NO. SIDE CARRICK VIA BLOOMFIELD]
at 32nd. & Liberty in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania. (August, 1964)

1555 (St. Louis 1945) [76 HAMILTON]
at Coal and Ramsey in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. (August, 1964)

1621 (St. Louis 1945) [39 BROOKLINE]
on the Smithfield St. Bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (August, 1964)

1662 (St. Louis 1945) [42/38 MT LEBANON BEECHVIEW]
at P&LE station in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (February, 1967)


4 responses to “Jerry’s Railroad Photo Archive – Pgh style”

  1. Ol'Froth Avatar

    I miss those things.

  2. Frank Ryan Avatar
    Frank Ryan


    Can anyone tell me the exact route of the ole "Flying Fraction", the 77/54. I seem to recall it started at the Carick Loop and went up Brownsville road down st. patrick street accross at the Smithfield street bridge (that was the 54 part) then up Forbes into Oakland (the 77 part). I use to use that when going to the Pirate games.

  3. Mrs. Jalbert Avatar
    Mrs. Jalbert

    In RE: The Flying Fraction…My elder brother is a Pittsburgh Trolley Fanatic. I asked him to answer the Flying Fraction question:
    The "Flying Fraction" as the 77/54 was called, ran from the Brentwood loop
    in Bentwood just outside the City limits, all the way down Brownsville Road
    to South 18th street in Mt.Oliver, down south 18th street to East Carson
    Street on da Sout' Side where it turned right, ran across East Carson
    Street to Brady Street just beyond 22nd Street where it turned left and
    travelled across the Brady Street Bridge to Forbes Avenue, where it turned
    right and followed Forbes past the Craft Avenue carhouse, past Forbes Field
    and the Carnegie library in Oakland, (where I boarded it), turned left on
    Craig, ran up Craig across Highland and past St. Paul's cathedral, to
    Centre Avenue, where it turned right, ran down Centre Avenue to Millville
    Ave. It turned left on Millvale Avenue and ran along Millville to Liberty
    Avenue, where it turned left on Liberty Avenue, ran across Liberty Avenue
    and continued straight ahead on Main Street where Liberty Avenue (and the
    #87 Ardmore car line) veered left (you recall that spot, I'm sure), across
    Main the short distance to Penn Avenue, then left on Penn Avenue and down
    Penn Avenue to the point where Butler Street began (or ended) (and where I
    disembarked to transfer to the #94 Sharpsburg car) thence down Penn Avenue
    almost into downtown, but turning right at 16th street to cross the 16th
    street bridge into the North Side, turning left on East Ohio Street, and
    then across East Ohio to, I believe, Federal Street, where it turned left
    and ran toward downtown and the 6th street bridge, but turning left just
    short of that on, I believe, Reedsdale and over Reedsdale to 7th street
    where it turned right again on 7th, and then right on Robinson over which
    it ran back to 6th street where it turned right and headed north back to
    Federal Street and repeating the same route back to Carrick and Brentwood.

  4. Jane Avatar

    Sometimes I dream I'm going from the car barn to dahntahn on the 73 via Highland or the 71 via Negley. Thanks for the visual memory…