Its Blogfest Time – Pittsburgh Blogfest 17 is back on Feb. 20, 2009

Pittsburgh BlogFest 14 sign-in sheetImage by cynthiacloskey via Flickr

Ever couple of months, a group of bloggers gathers for an informal chat at Finnegan’s Wake on the North Side.  It is a laid back event – just show up and grab a name tag.  Great opportunity to chat with some of your favorite bloggers and meet others bloggers.

WHAT: Pittsburgh Blogfest 17
WHEN: Friday, February 20th, 2009, 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM and beyond!
WHERE: Finnegan’s Wake (near PNC Park, 20 General Robinson St., North Shore, 412-325-2601), in the Pub Room
WHO: All local bloggers/podcasters (and their friends… feel free to bring some even if they don’t blog!)
AND: Ephemera Ephemerae , Inner Bitch, My Brilliant Mistakes, and Have a Good Sandwich.

As always, if you plan to attend, please send an e-mail to blogfest AT Blogfest 17 on Facebook.

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One response to “Its Blogfest Time – Pittsburgh Blogfest 17 is back on Feb. 20, 2009”

  1. […] to document my explorations into the culinary universe. Earlier tonight, I participated in Blogfest 17 in hopes of finding that extra push that I’ve been looking for. Well, that seems to have done […]