I ? PGH: Where do yinz drink ahtside?

DSC00765As Pitt Girl points out, the weather for the next few days is looking particularly good, almost San Diegan, so inquiring minds want to know: what’s your favorite bar in Pittsburgh for drinking al fresco? I’m personally slanted to Harris Grill, but I also like Doc’s for the deck, Palomino for the downtown-ness, and The Grandview Saloon for the view (even though it’s now The Coalhill Steakhouse or whatever). I want to know your favorite(s), so either send the electronic mail to gitaht@gmail.com or leave a comment below.


4 responses to “I ? PGH: Where do yinz drink ahtside?”

  1. Lindsay Avatar

    Patrick, what a great question and some great suggestions. I like the big garage door at D's and I have yet to dine on the patio at the double wide (i know they read this some time so maybe they can post some updates on the beer selection).

  2. Julie Avatar

    I'm partial to the Elbow Room and Harris on Ellsworth. However, I did just have lunch at Porky's Plain Old Bar in Etna, and if you have to be in Etna, I highly recommend it.

  3. andy Avatar

    Kaya for happy hour!

  4. Marcia3 Avatar

    Check out the outdoor patio at McFaddens Irish Pub (North Shore)overlooking the city/rivers.