I Made It and Handmade Arcade Gifts Ideas

Handmade Arcade (Pittsburgh)
Image by madflowr via Flickr

A few weeks ago I had the great fortune to meet some of the folks who work at ModCloth, an online retailer of fabulous fashions that is based here in Pittsburgh.  One of the cool tools I learned about is Polyvore – which is a website that lets you “clip” your favorite items and group them into sets to share on your blog, Facebook and Twitter.   I have been having some fun creating sets of items for Spreadshirt so I thought I would do the same for IheartPGH too. (I have even set up an IheartPGH group on Polyvore here).

My first Polyvore set for IheartPGH is a round up of some items from vendors who were at the I Made It Market or Handmade Arcade.  (I wanted to add even more but for some reason – you can’t clip images from Etsy to Polyvore 🙁 ).

Here are just a few of the goodies that were available – click on each item to learn more about it and visit the website of the vendor. Most of the vendors are from Pittsburgh too!

Did you buy any handmade gifts? Who were your favorite vendors? Please share more links to Etsy shops in the comments.

Handmade Holidays
Handmade Holidays by iheartpgh on Polyvore.com
Items in this set:
Whale Tote from SquidFire
Flaxseed Body Warming Bags by E-A-POO’s
Family Necklace
prix-prix:: necktie wallets, necktie necklaces, recycled notebooks,…
xmittens- blue fleece fingerless gloves black 3d thread details- size…, $20
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