I heart Giveaways – Free Hair Cut from Dean of Shadyside

Hair styled with hair gelImage via WikipediaSome of the blogs that I follow on a regular basis occasionally have a contest to  giveaway prizes to their readers.  I have been collecting a big pile of things to giveaway but I didn’t get a chance to post them before Christmas.  But that mean I can keep the giving going in 2009.

So for the first IheartPGH Giveaway – I have a free hair cut with Ellie at Dean of Shadyside Salon.  Ellie cut my hair last month and I must say I am happy with the hair cut. (It turns out to Dean of Shadyside).

There is one catch – you have to be a new customer to Dean of Shadyside, if you have been there already – sorry about that – I promise I have more giveaways sitting here on my desk that don’t have a catch.

To enter just leave a comment below or send an email to info@iheartpgh.com with the subject haircut.  I will collect entries through Noon on Thursday, January 15, 2009 and I will then randomly select a winner from the entries.    


21 responses to “I heart Giveaways – Free Hair Cut from Dean of Shadyside”

  1. dahcheet Avatar

    I'm in need of a haircut so this is perfect.

  2. Dina Avatar

    A free hair cut! Yippee! I have never been there, and am looking for a good stylist. I am crossing my fingers!

  3. suzi Avatar

    Deans…wow. What an absolute luxury.

  4. Janice Avatar

    I saw your tweet. I need a haircut!

  5. pghjezebel Avatar

    Ooh, Deans. If I win, I may have to treat my husband to the haircut.

  6. laura Avatar

    I am DESPERATE for a haircut! I am a loyal follower of I Heart Pgh, and I also have you on my blog's blogroll (i.e. "My Peeps"). Plus, I live right in Shadyside, so I could walk to get my haircut, thus making a smarter decision for our planet–no pollution! (Have I convinced you yet? *wink*)

    Regardless, keep up the great work on your blog. It's a gem.

    with love from Pittsburgh…

  7. Amy Avatar

    Just moved to Pittsburgh (Shadyside) and your blog has been a great resource! I would love a new haircut!

  8. Mandy Avatar

    Count me in! I'm new to Pittsburgh and would love to find a stylist!

  9. Rebecca Avatar

    I am a shaggy dog… please help.

  10. Amy Avatar

    Whoo hoo! I need a haircut so bad! I just moved back to the Burgh and have been trying to find someone good!

  11. Maura Avatar

    Maybe she can help me figure out what to do with these half-bangs.

  12. A Girl Avatar

    I'd love to get a trim!

  13. elise Avatar

    I could definitely use a more stylish cut.

  14. Ben Avatar

    Ellie is the name of my niece, and I am [always] looking for better haircutting joints!

  15. Anna Benvenuti Avatar
    Anna Benvenuti

    I LOVE to have reasons to come into Pittsburgh – and I am in need of a good haircut!

  16. Jes Avatar

    I am in need of a stylish haircut, and I live in Shadyside. Perfect!

  17. Tiffany Avatar

    I want a haircut 🙂

  18. Shelley Avatar

    I could use some "Shadyside Style" in my Western PA life 🙂

  19. Kevin Avatar

    This would be a perfect gift to give my girlfriend for Valentine's Day! I could include a mani / pedi with this and get her a day of relaxation at Dean.

  20. Karie Avatar

    A haircut is just what the New Year called for!

  21. Alicia Avatar

    New in town, looking for a good hairstylist 🙂