Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

(Things to do while shaving the playoff beard …)

Friday, April 20
Exposure: Steve Hall , 9:00 p.m., Tonic, Dahntahn


Exposure’s been running for about a year and a half now, and it’s slowly grown from month to month, gaining more (I don’t wanna use this word, but dammit) exposure to the Pittsburgh art community with some of it’s members getting their own gallery showings. It solidifies it’s connection to that community this month as it becomes part of the Gallery Crawl (more on that in a bit), and it kicks off that association with photographer Steve Hall, who has been featured before, but gets the re-run with all new work.

Steve’s been heavily involved with the Pittsburgh flickr group almost since it’s inception, and his work continues to grow and mature. A lawyer by trade, his avocation is becoming more and more a passion, as Steve’s eye sees things differently, and he makes the result something you want to look at, something you’d want to put on the wall. As opposed to anything I shoot, which makes you want to put it in the wall, like some sort of horrendous photographic Cask of Amontillado, forever closed up and forgotten.

I digress. Tonic’s a good venue, and having the show be part of the Art Walk should bring a lot more people through to see the growing and talented local amateur photography community. It also gives the greater public a better chance to see drunk people with cameras. Ok, it gives them a chance to see me drunk with a camera, a situation often found on weekends. Thank god for autofocus.

Gallery Crawl, 5:30 p.m., Le District de Cultural, Dahntahn


19 venues host the Art in this quarter’s version of the Gallery Crawl. The work ranges from original oils to culinary confections to mixed media. And now I’ve totally run out of my alliteration allocation for the week. Check out the link for a full listing, and you may want to show up early-ish, because it is a lot to get through. Luckily, it looks like it WON’T FRIGGIN’ RAIN tonight, so, y’know, bonus!

Green Drinks With Mayor John Fetterman, 5:30 p.m., His house, Braddock
fettermanMayor Fetterman helped to throw a great event last weekend when Flux was held in Braddock, and he’s back again this week as the host for Green Drinks, which has more to do with environmentalism than it does with, say, creme de menthe. He apparently likes to be around booze as much as I do, or, he’s a consummate politician who knows that to get a chance to bend the ear of the people, you give ’em booze. Either way, I like him.

I grew up a town over from Braddock, and I remember when it was still a destination – it’s shopping district was the one to go to, it’s restaurants were the places to eat. It was a vibrant community that was truly devastated by the collapse of steel in the 70s and has a hard time recovering. Enter Harvard graduate Fetterman, who sees this as a golden opportunity to enact change on a local scale, and I hope he gets it done. Whatever your politics, you have to appreciate the walk he walks as he talks his talk. And this is our Drinking For A Cause of the week. Congratulations!

Because Knowing Where To Go (and drink) Is Half The Battle
(Further Suggested Reading)
knowing_halfPittsburgh City Paper
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Craigs List
This Is Happening


Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock* of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

(* Note: “Flock� being, y’know.. very loosely-defined…)


3 responses to “Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend”

  1. M Avatar

    So does Iheartpgh not do Sat nights anymore? Sad. 🙁

  2. Lindsay Avatar

    great question. although I am too tired from all the fun I had at bootcampPGH today to even think of going out.

  3. Patrick Avatar

    M: You're right, it has been lacking in that department recently and for that I am sorry. I've been trying to find more time to get to it, and hopefully it will change very soon.

    It is good to see that someone actually wants to see it, though. Thanks.