(Things to do while teaching Evgeni Malkin english…)
Friday, October 27
Exposure: Pittsburgh, 7:00 p.m., Club Havana, Shadyside
Fri 7:00 p.m., Club Havana, Shadyside
The monthly photography opening goes in a slightly different direction this go round as they showcase the talents of multiple photographers, all of whom are expected to have a solo show of their own in the upcoming year. Celebrating it’s one year anniversary, this show will include the work of six very talented shooters, some professional, some amateur, all wonderfully gifted, each with their own distinct style and eye. The opening will, as always, have music provided by DJs Walter and Disco Dan.
The photographers include Renee Rosensteel (a Git Aht favorite, see “Juggling In Afghanistan” on that link), Kimberly Reed (featured at The Tasting a few weeks back), Emily Baehr, William Millberry, Bob Kubiak and Soumya Simanta.
Plus, there’ll be booze. ‘Nuff said.
Cocktails & Costumes, 5:00 p.m., Buckhead Saloon, Station Square
Drinking For A Cause â„¢ hits strong at the Buckhead Saloon with this Happy Hour for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Costumes are encouraged, but not required, but, y’know… It’s the weekend before Halloween, right? Dress up. Costumes are easy. For instance, you could dress up as Dennis Regan, and simply not show up. That’d be fun, yeah?
Later on the same night at Buckhead, they’re hosting Devil’s Night, which is weird, because I didn’t think something like that could be hosted per se. I’m not sure if they’ll be providing cars to overturn and set fire to, in true Detroit fashion, (word up D Town!) or if it’ll be more subdued, like, they’ll hand out bags of popcorn to throw at windows, (Note: use the unpopped, ’cause it doesn’t work as well otherwise. Aerodynamics and suchlike.) or if they’ll organize some sort of “ring the doorbell and run” contest, or maybe a “throw eggs at the mean dude’s house who never gave us our football back after it went into his yard, that prick” competition.
Yeah, that was a good time when we, as 10 year olds, bought three dozen eggs on the 30th of October at the local Italian store. The lady working there didn’t look at us odd at all when we said, “yeah, we’re baking a really big cake. Thanks.”
Frank Black, 8:00 p.m., Mr Smalls Funhahse, Millvale
A lot of times, the tag “Legendary Frontman” is sorta tossed around in an effort to pump up someone’s status when they embark on a solo career, and the “legendary” part is suspect. Here, however, it’s truly applicable. Frank Black was the frontman for the Pixies, and their influence is still felt on alt rock radio, which I think we have here in Pittsburgh. Lemme check, though…
Yeah, ok, ‘YEP. Right, they’d be good to go to. And the college stations, of course, if you happen to be within range and the wind’s blowing in the right direction and the religious stations’ repeaters aren’t interfering with the signal…
So Black Francis comes to Mr Smalls, which is turning out to be the go to venue for good solid rock & roll these days. He’ll be playing tracks from his new album, “Fast Man Raider Man“. Reid Paley opens.
Saturday, October 28
Creeps I Know, 4:00 p.m., Digging Pitt Gallery, Larryville
Digging Pitt gallery throws open the door in what’s termed a “Call For Artists”. Normally, this is a sort of invitation to bring your work and show it, or at least, bring it to the attention of the gallery owner in the hope that they’ll show it, thereby getting you a sale and maybe keeping your old lady off your back for another month. (“Whaddya want from me? I’m selling stuff! Get off my back!”) In this case, it’s an open call for artists to come tell a scary story, which, I dunno, could be good, but could also be along the lines of “but when I opened the gesso, it was the color of blooooood!!!!” or something...
Wait, sorry… It’s actually supposed to be specifically about “creeps”, not just tales of art horror. “Creepiest boss,” “creepiest blind date,” etc… Chances are good my name’ll be brought up then, but really, that pit in the basement is just there for decoration, and as an homage to Buffalo Bill. Put the f**king lotion in the basket!
“Magic Landscape” paintings by Jane Callister, 4:00 p.m. Michael Berger Gallery, Point Breeze
I have no idea if Jane Callister knows any creeps. I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever met her, so, y’know… there’s at least one that she hasn’t. This is the opening reception, but I’m not sure what all it entails. Chances are good that there will be wine. And some sort of snack type food. But really, go for the paintings. As yinz’re well aware, I know little, if anything, about “art”. But the few painting I sampled on the web site are all very good, they appeal to me, I love the bright colors, the abstraction. If I was made of money (instead of just being money, so money and I don’t even know it), I’d pick up a couple for the house, brighten this dump up a bit. Ok, when I say “house”, I of course mean “van, down by the river”.
The Erotic, Exotic Ball, 9:00p.m., Diesel, Sahsside
Billing itself as “Pittsburgh’s Sexiest Halloween Event”, the erotic exotic has a costume contest with big prizes. How big? How does one note in the key of G sound? How about one box of ziti? How about a dime?
(All right, fine… One thousand dollars. Happy?)
This brings up another thing – the trend in recent years of women using Halloween as a good reason to dress incredibly, umm, what’s the word I’m looking for here? Hmmm… Oh, right, yeah. Hot. I’m totally behind this trend, and I’d like to use the Bully Pulpit of a rambling, poorly-written blog entry to encourage it’s continuation.
I’m Git Aht, and I approve this message.
Sunday, October 29
Art Auction, 12:00 p.m., Concept Art Gallery, Regent Square
Ok, so, Sunday mornings, you can either hit the garage sales, the flea markets, or find the really good stuff at auctions. There’s a big one of those this weekend up ‘ere in the Square. The other thing is, there are a couple good places to grab brunch, maybe some time to stroll around the park, see what’s left of the fall colors. Besides, you’ll be well-rested, as you get back that hour of sleep you lost back in April.
This auction will feature Modern and Contemporary art, 19th c. Western PA art, antiques, Folk art, and Americana, as well as some great mid-century modern furniture and design. It’s actually running both Saturday and Sunday, but a post brunch/post walk in the park option gets this a Sunday spot.
Scavenger Hunt: Urban Hike, 12:30 p.m., Schenley Plaza, Oakland
The Urban Hikers tackle what should be familiar ground for everybody, that is to say, Oakland, but this time, it’s for all the marbles. Or whatever the prize is. Marbles would be cool, if the bag had, like, a ton of good aggies, but I digress.
You should bring a digital camera and a cable to connect said camera to a computer. And good walking shoes. And a sunny disposition. And a moss-covered, three-handled family credenza. Ok, forget that last one, but the other things, yeah, those’d be a good idea.
Meet-up is at the benches lining the Forbes Avenue side of Schenley Plaza (across Forbes from the Cathedral of Learning). Price? Free, baby! Free!
Beethoven 5, 2:30 p.m., Heinz Hall, Dahntahn
No, Charles Grodin has nothing to do with this. This is the “Dah Dah Dah DAAAHHHH” one. No lovable Saint Bernards or anything, unless someone happens to be walking one outside on Sixth street before you go in.
If that does happen, though, do me favor – scratch the dog on the head and say “WHOZAGOODBOYDEN?!?!? WHOOZZAT GOODBOY?!?! ARRRR-OOO-OOO!!!!”
Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to gitaht@gmail.com.
2 responses to “Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend”
These things may help you get started. You can share the blind date uncensored things you read with your date. But if you do not have time to read, a good way to start a conversation is asking your date about what he/she did that day or what are his/her favorite things.
These things may help you get started. You can share the blind date uncensored things you read with your date. But if you do not have time to read, a good way to start a conversation is asking your date about what he/she did that day or what are his/her favorite things.