(Things to do while figuring out what the hell happened to Summer…)
Friday, September 1
Happy Hour: Drinking For A Cause, 5:00 p.m. Maragarita Mamas, Station Square
The CFF people keep doing it right because they know how to connect with my giving instincts and get me to take money out of my pocket and give it to them. That is, they continue to host events where people do what they’re gonna do anyway (i.e., have a drink on a weekend) and then get us to pony up cash for the privilege. I know, it’s all broken-record how they keep popping up here, but seriously, they’re all over town hosting these things, and I dig it. This week, go to Margarita Mamas for an after work cocktail, donate 5 bucks at the door and enjoy well drinks for a buck, Miller Lites for two, and Smirnoff Martinis for three. Just not all at the same time, and remember to pace yourself – this is a Happy Hour, and the night is still young at this point.
Birds, Bees, Flowers and Trees, 7:00 p.m., 5151 Penn Gallery, Garfield/Friendship
The new multi-purpose gallery and performance space opens with artists Kim Fox and Linnea Glick presenting their visions of nature in the abstract. Git Aht favorite platter pusher Justin Hopper (Juddy of Soulcialism fame) provides the music. Food and beverages will be scattered tastefully around the place just waiting for you to artfully consume them.
Labor Day Party, 9:00 p.m. Shadow Lounge, Shadyside
Lindsay loves the Shadow Lounge, and you should too. Why? Because Lindsay loves it. Anybody who disagrees with that statement is itchin’ fer a fight. Sure, there are many other reasons to love the Shadow Lounge, chief among them the fantastic Labor Day Party they’re throwing tonight which Git Aht hopes to get to, but really, none are more important than Lindsay’s undying love, which is so pure and pristine and sincere it makes me feel bad that I haven’t lived a better life as I bask in it’s reflected glow. Again, if you’ve got a problem with that, I will fight you. That’s no lie. Dress is “Cocktail Attire” which means, y’know, put on your dressy Big Ben jersey, I think.
Saturday, September 2
Quiet Riot, 4:00 p.m., Rhythm House Cafe, Bridgeville
No, really, I’m serious. You will cum on and feel the noize. Metal Health will drive you mad. Mama, mama, weer all crazee now. Local rockers Turn are one of the openers, and their myspace page (All the cool kids have one) has “HULK SMASH CRAPPY BANDS” as their headline, so they’re all right in my book.
Scott Blasey, 7:00 p.m., Club Cafe, Sahsside
Scott sings for a little Pittsburgh band called the Clarks. They were somewhat popular, and by somewhat popluar I mean played Letterman, so, y’know, there’s that. He’s a particularly gifted writer, and this show is just him, just playing, and should be worth checking out. There’s a second show later, too, if the early one doesn’t work out for you.
Sunday, September 3
2006 Gatorade/Steelers 5K, 9:30 a.m, Heinz Field
Go run around Heinz Field on a Sunday morning. No, not on the field, around it, on the outside. It’s a pretty level course, and hopefully the sun will be shining. It’s always good to get out and breathe in the fresh air of the North Shore Side.
Marx Brothers Double Feature, 8:00 p.m., Regent Square Theater
The Marx Brothers at the absolute top of their game in both of these films. One of the reasons I heart Pittsburgh Filmmakers is because they’ll drop these fantastic older movies into the schedule, and allow you to go see them with a bunch of like-minded folks who also appreciate them in the same way you do. I mean, yeah, you can watch them at home, but going to see them with a room full of lunatics such as yourself is priceless.
Sure, I’m a Marxist. I also dig Lennon, for that matter.
Monday, September 4
Sleep in. Watch a parade. Go to a cookout. Relax for a change.
Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers like us with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to gitaht@gmail.com.
2 responses to “Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend”
Umm, that's "cookaht."
You're right Chris, my bad.
I feel like a total jagoff.